Hi Guys! I just started playing Angband about a week ago, and I am totally hooked. It sat on my hard drive for about a year, I don’t know why it didn’t click when I first played it… Anyway, I d/led v3.0.9b and I have put in some serious hours of play recently.
I have a host of questions, but rather than ask them and scare everyone away, I will list the things that I think are correct, and please tell me if I am wrong:
1) Monsters spawn randomly in dungeons after a while.
2) Detect monsters detect all but invisible monsters.
3) I don’t really need Detect evil if I am detecting monsters.
4) Slay animals affects creatures with the natural flag.
5) If I flee a level with an artifact on the ground, such as the Phial, will it respawn later. (3.0.9b remember! Birth_no_preserve set to NO)
6) Explosive breeding continues only while you are in LOS of the monster.
7) Tunneling wakes up monsters, rock to mud spells do not.
8) Resistances stack only twice, so armor + spell or armor + potion stacks, but armor +spell +potion or armor +spell + spell has no improvement over stacking 2 resistances.
Ok, here are some technical questions I couldn’t easily find the answer to in the ridiculous amount of information available on this game, too much of which is out of date…
How many feet is a square on the floor? I need to be 200 feet from Snagas, if only for the smell! How stealthy do I need to be to steal something from next to a sleeping monster?
How do you calculate your carry weight before you slow down? (Why is this not a stat on your character page?)
Ranges of monster attacks – breath, arrow, spell, etc… I am tired of being killed by ‘It” outside of my LOS… Also, I need to know when to phase door to avoid the gaze/breath etc..
Does hold life protect from nether bolts? What will protect me from them?
Why are Paladins screaming DIE at me? Its not very sporting of them… How do I resist that, and WTF is it?
Here are the final opinion/strategy questions, feel free to comment or not.
Any use for staff of summoning/Summon Monster/clone monster? Is there an easy kill with good drops that I could be cloning early in the game?
Dungeon feeling for next level works only after 100 turns on previous level, correct? So I should always rest for 100 turns before descending if I can so I get an accurate feeling?
What about auto-scumming levels? If I am auto scumming do I need to rest for a feeling? (I would tend to think not) Will I be widely reviled for auto scumming levels? Also, is auto scumming more dangerous at deeper levels because you are constantly running into out of depth monsters or ridiculously populated vaults, which makes it harder to sneak around and grab the stuff on the floor? Should I just forget it since level feeling are going to be gone in the next version or two?
If a level is superb, and I find an artifact on the floor, should I stick around to look for other stuff? I tend to think it would be unlikely for a level to have two artifacts on the floor, but I defer to experience…
I have read posted that Rings of Protection are useless. What is a good AC to have? Should I bother to bump everything my Mage wears to +9 (no gloves obviously), or skip armor altogether and select only for resitances?
Should I delay killing treasure dropping Uniques or take them as soon as I think I can? (I kill Grip and Fang for the XP pretty early) Is it better to kill them at deepest level you can get to or find them on? Will they stop showing up if I go too deep? (I haven’t seen Bullroarer lately…) Do they drop better artifacts at lower levels?
Should I turn the hide worthless items option on? What is it hiding? (Okay, this was just pure curiosity
Ok, so there was a huge list of questions. I thank you profoundly for any and all replies, and don't be afarid to give me a link and tell me to RTFM, its just that I have been trying to learn but keep some of the suprises!
I have a host of questions, but rather than ask them and scare everyone away, I will list the things that I think are correct, and please tell me if I am wrong:
1) Monsters spawn randomly in dungeons after a while.
2) Detect monsters detect all but invisible monsters.
3) I don’t really need Detect evil if I am detecting monsters.
4) Slay animals affects creatures with the natural flag.
5) If I flee a level with an artifact on the ground, such as the Phial, will it respawn later. (3.0.9b remember! Birth_no_preserve set to NO)
6) Explosive breeding continues only while you are in LOS of the monster.
7) Tunneling wakes up monsters, rock to mud spells do not.
8) Resistances stack only twice, so armor + spell or armor + potion stacks, but armor +spell +potion or armor +spell + spell has no improvement over stacking 2 resistances.
Ok, here are some technical questions I couldn’t easily find the answer to in the ridiculous amount of information available on this game, too much of which is out of date…
How many feet is a square on the floor? I need to be 200 feet from Snagas, if only for the smell! How stealthy do I need to be to steal something from next to a sleeping monster?
How do you calculate your carry weight before you slow down? (Why is this not a stat on your character page?)
Ranges of monster attacks – breath, arrow, spell, etc… I am tired of being killed by ‘It” outside of my LOS… Also, I need to know when to phase door to avoid the gaze/breath etc..
Does hold life protect from nether bolts? What will protect me from them?
Why are Paladins screaming DIE at me? Its not very sporting of them… How do I resist that, and WTF is it?
Here are the final opinion/strategy questions, feel free to comment or not.
Any use for staff of summoning/Summon Monster/clone monster? Is there an easy kill with good drops that I could be cloning early in the game?
Dungeon feeling for next level works only after 100 turns on previous level, correct? So I should always rest for 100 turns before descending if I can so I get an accurate feeling?
What about auto-scumming levels? If I am auto scumming do I need to rest for a feeling? (I would tend to think not) Will I be widely reviled for auto scumming levels? Also, is auto scumming more dangerous at deeper levels because you are constantly running into out of depth monsters or ridiculously populated vaults, which makes it harder to sneak around and grab the stuff on the floor? Should I just forget it since level feeling are going to be gone in the next version or two?
If a level is superb, and I find an artifact on the floor, should I stick around to look for other stuff? I tend to think it would be unlikely for a level to have two artifacts on the floor, but I defer to experience…
I have read posted that Rings of Protection are useless. What is a good AC to have? Should I bother to bump everything my Mage wears to +9 (no gloves obviously), or skip armor altogether and select only for resitances?
Should I delay killing treasure dropping Uniques or take them as soon as I think I can? (I kill Grip and Fang for the XP pretty early) Is it better to kill them at deepest level you can get to or find them on? Will they stop showing up if I go too deep? (I haven’t seen Bullroarer lately…) Do they drop better artifacts at lower levels?
Should I turn the hide worthless items option on? What is it hiding? (Okay, this was just pure curiosity

Ok, so there was a huge list of questions. I thank you profoundly for any and all replies, and don't be afarid to give me a link and tell me to RTFM, its just that I have been trying to learn but keep some of the suprises!