Sudden massive drop in Strength
I have 5 banishment scrolls left. That number has slowly been rising the last 10 dungeon levels. And, yep, 66% of the ones I've used have been on Time hounds. I am carrying both thalkettoth and hithlomir; hithlomir has been good a couple times; once against a G unique.
The double shots of Belthronding are really serving me well, so I don't think it's worth the slightly better melee damage to switch out with short bow of Lothlórien.
I don't know that I have enough health potions to keep myself at full health all the time. So sometimes I rely on my regen to get me back up or a combination of regen and several CCWs. I have had bad experience in the past of using my health potions more freely and then find myself in a situation where I have none. (I also have bad experiences of dying, too, from letting my health get too low. ;p)
The Undead aren't too bad most of the time, so maybe hauling wrath around isn't worth it. I'll stow it for a round and see if I miss it. I'm at CL50 now (after getting held back 150K by a death drake and a death mold). Usually the hLife does its job, but sometimes it forgets to?
EDIT: Finally! Found a DEX <+6> Ring.Brings Aulë up to 6.0 blows a round.
Also was rewarded taking on a Great Wyrm of Balance with a RoS [+12] (so, +1 over my current ring).
EDIT: Dang, Anband crashed while I was in the middle of slaying Glaurung to some epic LOTRish music.
EDIT: Well that was a good haul! Dump coming soon. My stealth is now Superb. Hahaha, not bad for a HT warrior. All resistances are covered except shard and sound, now. Damage is slightly less, but I am going to carrying along trickery to swap with telepathy for Unique fights. Picked up Himring armor: rChaos, rNether, rPois. Improved boots and cloak of same kind with better stats, so stealth and speed went up.
Wow, yes, store is rewarding me well for the depth of 4200'! Just replaced my back up shield artifact AnĂ*rion with a preservation shield rChaos, rDisench, Hold Life. sustains what matters: CON, DEX, STR.
Here is the dump.
Longbow of the Bard, what. I am in another vault; poorly guarded one at that.This bow is ridic. Will return home after this outing and get the Large Elven Shield with rDisenchant. Gear saving starting to pay off.
Last edited by Grotug; October 30, 2016, 04:46.Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
Well, the Bard bow turned out not to be as good as I thought. I keep collecting good gear, though. Getting my melee damage up some more. 900 to dragons anyone? Now I am being presented with a most interesting proposition: Cubragol. With this xbow granting another +10 speed, I could increase my damage with another +15 damage ring. I've reorganized my gear so I am using a shield of sustain and hLife. Picked up cloak of thingol for the +3 DEX I needed and swapped out the Cammithrim gloves for the +4 DEX gloves which brings up the damgae substantially. I think I saw a +15 ring of damage somewhere on this level, too (I'm still in the dungeon). Also stumbled upon Firestar, a Morning Star which grants fire immunity. I can sort of control fire to an extent by either TOing or stashing my stuff and coming back after the fire fights. My damage output is also so high that I can usually rip through whatever is burning me pretty quickly, keeping the damages down. Protection from evil is working out nicely, too, with this Himring armor. I dunno; I have sooo many arrows again and they're all good I don't know which ones to drop. The combination of my speed, damage and double shots is so devastating. Kinda tempted to ignore Cubragol and carry on as I am. :-/
I decided to take cubragol to my home for now and I'll see if using Firestar as a swap makes sense. I have options; it's just a matter of figuring out the best combo of stuff. I have to say getting my stealth up was really nice (it's now back down to fair). But when it was Excellent, it was great not being chased all the time.
Char dump here
I'm again needing to free up a slot in my home; trying to decide what to drop; I think the teleport scrolls are probably the most disposable. Will I need them for the final fight?Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
Unless you are using the bow heavily, go for the damage. For a warrior, this means ALWAYS. Just teleport other the monsters you would rather fight with a bow...which is to say, any monsters you should not want to fight in any case! Monsters like The Phoenix, The Tarrasque, High level demons or dragons where you don't have a suitable immunity.
If you are fighting Morgoth and bothered to save some Holy Might arrows, that is the time to take along Belthronding and an extra speed ring as a swap.Comment
So I thought I could tango with Huan. Why? Cause I was doing well against other strong uniques. Dispatched Dreaglin with ease. Well, Huan different story. Much like the Sun Maia unique that I was smart to TO. Why didn't I TO Huan? Stupid. Very stupid.
In other news, started another HT Warrior and just having glorious good fortune with my finds. Nothing crazy, just the good stuff!
Do Holy Might arrows do extra damage to Morgoth compared to other evil creatures?Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
No, evil is evil. But, I do tend to save every Holy Might arrow (or Bolt or very, very, rare, shot, depending on the @ class and launchers) for the final fight with the Big Boss. There's a reason Holy Might ammunition are called "Morgoth killers".“We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are DeadComment
This specific question has been answered, but in general if you have multiple applicable slays, you only get the best slay. Holy Might arrows simply have Slay Evil (x2) and Slay Undead (x3) on them. So if you shoot an undead, you get the x3 slay, but if you shoot something like Morgoth which is "only" evil, then you get the x2 slay.Comment
I did have slay evil arrows that dealt more damage than the holy might ones in my quiver. I may resuscitate the character as I had force quit after Huan breathed something on me (probably shards) when I died.Last edited by Grotug; November 1, 2016, 04:48.Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
The good fortune continues; picked up Amulet of Trickery and Avavir. Does Avavir burn minions resistant to cold and freeze minions resistant to fire? It says "you freeze the hill orc, you have slain the hill orc" but when I attack the Ice trolls it just says "you have slain the ice troll". It never says "You burn the Ice Troll". I assume I am burning the Ice troll? But maybe the burn or freeze only works on minions with neither of those resistances? (That would be rather dumb).
This is rather nice; I have excellent stealth; all the high resists and am doing 300-400 damage per round. DL47 / CL33. Aside from early rings of speed or one time early boots of speed; never had such a powerful character this early. My speed is respectable anyway, at +4. DEX and STR sustained. Have Thorondril (cap of ESP) at home. Now just need Caspanion or something like it.
Jeez, this 3 feeling level just keeps delivering the goods! (Killed Itagast with hardly a fight; you found a Star).
Next level had a vault, but it wasn't in the vault that I picked up: Turmil (swap for frost immunity if I ever find another good source of FrAct), Anárion, Himring, Golden Dragon Scale Mail (rSound). Akhorahil the Blind dropped all 4 of these items and he didn't put up any fight at all. There was a gold crown in the vault that disappeared after I TO'd Sire of Werewolves; so not sure if he picked it up before I drilled through the wall into his hideout? Searching the actions history didn't show anything with the crown. There was nothing good in the vault. But I found cloak of ESP in the store. So I got a helmet of detection, ESP, Magic Mapping, Protection from Evil, all high resists, high damage, some speed and very good stealth. Looking very promising.
Latest character dump: edited by Grotug; November 1, 2016, 05:04.Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
“We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are DeadComment
Yes, I know, but I am sort of making mention when level feelings match or don't match me getting good gear. I just finished a level with 6-7 feeling, and had some trouble with some beholders and an elder vampire but no good items to be found. Dwarven full plate armor was the best item, unless a potion of Life is gonna give that good a feeling? Sure, it's a good potion to have, but 9 out of 10 times it is used to restore less than 500 health (unless, by me, since I like to wait until I'm almost dead to get as much value from *healing* potions). Potions of Life are actually annoying because they take up another inventory slot.Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment
It also depends on how deep @ is. On DL 1 through 3, a level 6 feeling is a good chance of a 'thanc dagger, a 4 feeling is a good chance of some free action gloves or boots. Important to know, especially when playing a mage. After that, the only treasure feelings that bring me to want to fully explore, though I try to resist, is an 8 or 9. But if those happen in the first 50 or so levels, it tends to be a book that more often than not is worthless to @'s class. Maybe an early potion of experience, which is a double-edged sword if you get stat drained.“We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.”
― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are DeadComment
Doing a character dump cause I got some good gear and impressive damage, relative stealth, and resistances. Kinda fun.
Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1:
Detailed account of my Ironman win here.
"My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --FizzixComment