Most of your suggestions work with always-noticed traps, so I'm going to consider them assuming that:
- This is pretty much solved - they go in corridors, or in any place appropriate for a door.
- This just becomes "Do I need to pass?" There's always the observation that you can dig around, but that then adds some more interest to digging.
- This could be done, but unless it's very well-balanced it risks causing unfair instadeaths at too great a rate.
- This should happen anyway. I would think that a player on full health should be able to set off a trap and expect to not die directly because of it.
- I'm not a fan of this, I don't think - it sounds like useless busy-work for the player.
- I think this would be pretty annoying too.
- Possible, but I think it's starting to get a bit too intricate. Angband is a long game, and you don't want things that you are doing over and over to be too involved.
- This is certainly worth pursuing. Some traps already have variable effects, expanding that is good.