Attack damage indicators in monster memory

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  • Wanderlust
    • Dec 2015
    • 76

    Attack damage indicators in monster memory

    I've started noticing numbers in the monster memory next to breath, spell, archery, and other special attacks. But the number I see doesn't always appear to match the damage I actually get when the attack hits me. Most of the time the actual damage I take seems to be less.

    So how exactly does this work? Am I taking lower damage simply because I have the applicable resistance? Or is there some randomness in the amount of damage these special attacks deal?

    And on a related note, in the games message stream I always see the exact damage I deal with each blow. That's very useful! But when monsters attack me, I don't see the amount of damage dealt. Is there a way I can see this? Or is this intentional?

    The more I learn about Angband, the more I realize how much I don't understand.
  • Monkey Face
    • Feb 2009
    • 244

    For breath attacks, the numbers in the monster memory are what the monster can deliver at full health. Breath attacks are based on the number of hit points the monster has so as you do damage to the monster, it's hit points go down and it does less damage to you (unless the damage it does would be way above the cap for that particular attack in which case it can stay constant at the capped amount until it's significantly weakened).

    Your resistances will also play in, but outside of fire, cold, electricity, acid, and poison, the percentage you resist is random.

    As far as how much damage you take, I don't think there is a way to tell beyond looking at your hit points before the attack and checking again afterwards and subtracting.


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      Damage listings in monster memory are the maximum damage the monster can do. Thus if you have more HP than that, then the monster cannot one-shot you. But breath weapons deal less damage as the monster gets hurt, and spells often have large amounts of dice that bias their average damage well away from the maximum, so you often don't take that maximum damage.


      • Wanderlust
        • Dec 2015
        • 76

        OK, that is useful to know. Now all the damage numbers I see when I play are beginning to make sense.

        As a new player there are tons of monsters I've never seen before. There are also lots I've seen, but not really. So I'm beginning to realize that after 1000' or so it's vital for me to be aware when the monster memory is incomplete, because those might have an attack I don't yet know about that could one-shot @. Especially the OOD ones.

        Is there a way for me to see definitively whether or not the monster memory on my screen is complete? Or, do I just need to make an assumption based on the number of times "my ancestors" have seen the monster before?


        • Timo Pietilä
          • Apr 2007
          • 3964

          Originally posted by Wanderlust
          Is there a way for me to see definitively whether or not the monster memory on my screen is complete?
          AFAIK no, and that's one thing I have hoped too. I use probing to fill my monster memories, but for most parts especially for shallow levels those are made by experimenting alone.

          Feature request: add monster memory info when monster memory is complete (or probed).


          • fizzix
            • Aug 2009
            • 2969

            Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
            Feature request: add monster memory info when monster memory is complete (or probed).
            I wonder how hard this is to implement. Gut says it shouldn't be that hard. Maybe I'll have a look, but I can almost guarantee Nick will get to it first. He's like that.


            • Bowman
              • Oct 2015
              • 42

              It's usually pretty obvious which monsters you've probed because the memory shows all of the exotic elements (like nexus and disenchant). Still, it'd definitely be useful to have some indicator like "this monster's lore is complete" or something, just to be sure that you aren't missing some rare action (e.g. it took at least 6 characters reaching 70+ depths for me to see Omarax summon e's).


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by fizzix
                I wonder how hard this is to implement. Gut says it shouldn't be that hard. Maybe I'll have a look, but I can almost guarantee Nick will get to it first. He's like that.
                I'm currently distracted by the knowledge branch, so you should be right unless you draw my attention to it
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

