So I gave up on gnome flea, sorry, mage and started Dwarf Warrior instead.
What a relief it is!
I have so much delight playing that character, I cannot stop playing.
I get to dl30 in one breath and going from strength to strength.
Maybe it will become harder, but I have so much fun already. It is Fantastic.
Here is my mage play style:
Here is how I play warrior:
Oh, god, I am so happy 
P.S: I love mashroom farms in the dangeon, and I also had a rings sale in the black market - 8 different rings, all warrior-oriented. Is it part of the code now: themed shop sales?
What a relief it is!
I have so much delight playing that character, I cannot stop playing.
I get to dl30 in one breath and going from strength to strength.
Maybe it will become harder, but I have so much fun already. It is Fantastic.
Here is my mage play style:
Detect stairs, there is one in to East. Detect monster, there seems to be a Priest over there, let's research. He can cast serious wounds, which is less than my full health, but I am low on healing. He can speed himself up, what if he double-move me? Lets calculate, it would take X1 cold bolts, X2 firebolts or X3 acid bolts to kill him, assuming Y failure rate If I remove ring of escape, I would loose Z speed, but gain Y less failures, which tactic is better? He's got decent melee attack, and the room is small, so I better build a shooting tunnel. I don't have enough mana to complete the tunnel, I would need to rest, but the Priest can wake up. So I better swap ring of Int for ring of Mouse for tunneling, then not to forget to switch it back right before the battle. If I get in trouble I will teleport him away with wand, cause failure rate on it lower than on spell. Ok, lets haste ouselves and execute the manuver. It is so good to be mage, what would I do without all these spells?
I want to go East. There is green p between me and East. Hit right, hit right. Continue to go East

P.S: I love mashroom farms in the dangeon, and I also had a rings sale in the black market - 8 different rings, all warrior-oriented. Is it part of the code now: themed shop sales?