What should I throw away?

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  • Talharim
    • Jul 2015
    • 57

    What should I throw away?

    Hi guys,
    I've been playing this game and I wanted to know what artifacts I can safely throw away. I am unsure because I don't know if some weapons with more blows/round can become more useful if I get better rings of damage or gloves that would dramatically increase the to dam.

    Are there other items I should be taking with me to the dungeon?

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    Cowards live a long time, brave ones usually die soon of a glorious death.
  • AnonymousHero
    • Jun 2007
    • 1322

    Non-artifacts you can probably throw away:
    • The (Dwarven) armour -- you already have Caspanion which gives +3 CON (which is the only reason you'd use the (Dwarven).
    • Wand of Annihilation -- you don't get any significant bonus and you probably have abysmal success rate at using it. Besides: You'll do a lot more damage in melee.
    • Rod of Treasure Location -- doesn't this just detect gold? (I guess it might have marginal value if it detects objects).
    • Berserk Strength -- they're moderately useful, I guess, but usually I wouldn't carry them if my inventory is cramped.
    • Cure Serious Wounds -- useless at this point.
    • Crossbow of Extra Might + bolts -- personally I wouldn't bother keeping this.

    • Dagger of Rilia
    • Elvagil
    • Osondir
    • Hithlomir

    You can probably dump more of the artifacts, but most of the above is no-brainer stuff which is dominated by other artifacts/items.


    • Estie
      • Apr 2008
      • 2281

      I would carry exactly the same consumables and rods/staves as you. The things I´d drop are the surplus weapons and armor as suggested by AnonymousHero.

      Potions of csw: these can go once you have poison resistance; in fact, I´d wear Caspanion and drop them. As a rule of thumb, once Caspanion is acquired, you can dump all other minor armor artifacts.

      Rods of treasure, trap, door detection: these get replaced by rods of detection eventually. I drop them once I have 2 detection rods; the only one I might keep longer is treasure detection.


      • Talharim
        • Jul 2015
        • 57

        The rod of treasure detection also detect objects. That's why I use it.
        The conclusion is to dump the Xbow and bolts, those artifact weapons you mentioned, the !CSW and wear Caspanion for the poison resist.
        I kept the wands of annihilation because I read in a blog that someone used them to make a lot of damage to Morgoth.
        Thanks for the replies
        Cowards live a long time, brave ones usually die soon of a glorious death.


        • Mondkalb
          • Apr 2007
          • 891

          Originally posted by Talharim
          The rod of treasure detection also detect objects. That's why I use it.
          The conclusion is to dump the Xbow and bolts, those artifact weapons you mentioned, the !CSW and wear Caspanion for the poison resist.
          I kept the wands of annihilation because I read in a blog that someone used them to make a lot of damage to Morgoth.
          Thanks for the replies
          You are playing a warrior. Wands do more damage when handled by mages who get a bonus with magic items. They are not very useful for warriors. Also, Morgoth can drain charges from wands and staffs and heal himself when touching your character.
          My Angband winners so far

          My FAangband efforts so far


          • Madoka
            • Jul 2007
            • 64

            Originally posted by Mondkalb
            Wands do more damage when handled by mages who get a bonus with magic items. They are not very useful for warriors.
            I didn't know this. I thought warriors just had a worse success rate. Thanks!


            • Derakon
              • Dec 2009
              • 8820

              Originally posted by Madoka
              I didn't know this. I thought warriors just had a worse success rate. Thanks!
              The damage bonus is based on your magic device skill, but if your skill is lower than the level of the item then you get no bonus. Warriors have awful skill, and thus don't get relevant damage bonuses with magic devices. I mean, sure, in the late game you'd get +50% damage with Wands of Magic Missile, but who cares?


              • Talharim
                • Jul 2015
                • 57

                Originally posted by Derakon
                The damage bonus is based on your magic device skill, but if your skill is lower than the level of the item then you get no bonus. Warriors have awful skill, and thus don't get relevant damage bonuses with magic devices. I mean, sure, in the late game you'd get +50% damage with Wands of Magic Missile, but who cares?
                Was this always like this? I don't remember seeing that when I played in the good old days (Close to 15 years ago).
                Cowards live a long time, brave ones usually die soon of a glorious death.


                • Carnivean
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 522

                  Originally posted by Talharim
                  Was this always like this? I don't remember seeing that when I played in the good old days (Close to 15 years ago).
                  It wasn't shown in game until the 4.0 betas. Now there is a description on the (i)nspection screen that shows the damage boost for magic items. Not sure when it was introduced though.


                  • Talharim
                    • Jul 2015
                    • 57

                    There are lots of improvements nowadays. So far they all seem to really improve gameplay.
                    Cowards live a long time, brave ones usually die soon of a glorious death.


                    • Derakon
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 8820

                      Originally posted by Talharim
                      Was this always like this? I don't remember seeing that when I played in the good old days (Close to 15 years ago).
                      It's been around for a few years at least, but I don't know which version exactly added the damage bonus. It's entirely possible it was in the very first version of Angband. But yeah, it wasn't actually declared to the user, so you had to read the source code to know it was happening.


                      • Nivra
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 112

                        Not sure what happened to the new thread I posted, so I decided to hijack this thread

                        Same question: What can I throw away? I'm thinking at least Dagmor, maybe Hurin, what else?

                        Note on character: Currently using an Excellent Stealth kit. It's only 20 points off my max dmg/rd (w/weaponmastery). It's only 60 hp off my max hp (w/Thorin). But it's almost 50 AC off all other kits, and uses 2 additional swaps(Trickery,ElvenShield). Just got out of a _Summoning fight w/Baphomet that HURT. Used up a !Heal and 25 !CCW, a lot of arrows, 15 ?PD, switching between arrows which would tickle him and my melee. I'm guessing i could stay longer in melee with a higher AC, but I'm really enjoying the stealth, too. In retrospect, I should've swapped in Thorin, lol. The stealth kit obviously takes up additional home/inventory slots, too (Totila, (_stealth, )_elven, maybe Trickery).

                        Second question: What upgrades should i be looking for next? +speed, what else?

                        Also, i had two more general questions:

                        (1) General Warrior Inventory Management... Phew. This is difficult.
                        On Detection: Moving to the -Detection helps, but I still need the -Trap Detection b/c the recharge time is sooo long. At least I got to move from 3 rod stacks to 2. The following is my typical dungeon kit. What should I be learning to do without as a warrior?

                        Detection: -Detection, -Trap Location(will go when I get a 2nd or 3rd Detect), _?Mapping
                        Utility: -Illum, -ID, -Recall
                        Combat: ?Phase, _Speed, -TeleOther, -Slow (noticed most uniques don't have res. slow, so I figured I tried it. Failed on Baphoment, so I may toss this).
                        Escape: ?Tele, _Tele
                        Resist Swaps: Disenchant(weaponmaster), Drain (evenstar), Confusion (Serenity)
                        Immune Swaps: Thorin, Turmil, Firestar, Taratol
                        1 quiver

                        That dungeon kit puts me at 20 slots, leaving 4 for loot when I ditch the ?Phase. I sometimes also ditch the ?|Mapping for a 5th slot. It was easier when I had fewer rods, as I would ditch _ID, _Light, ?WoR, _ObjDetect, _TrapDetect, _Door/Stair, _DetEvil. Been thinking of ditching the rods to go back to consumable sources for these spells so I can ditch them to bring back more loot after a vault.

                        What do you hold onto as a Warrior? What do you make do without?

                        (2) Prepping for endgame/Sauron/Morgoth - Consumables. The following is what I'm currently trying to hoard. What's unnecessary?

                        Stat_Restore: Vigor, -Resto
                        Healing: !*heal*, !life(not yet seen)
                        Combat: !Speed, Stoneskin, ?Rune, (I also plan on scumming shops for Berserk & Heroism)
                        Escape: Tele_Level, ?Banish, ?Mass_Banish, ?*Destruct*, _*Destruct*
                        Scumming/Item Acquisition: !Enlightenment, ?Deep Descent + ?Acquirement combo

                        PS> I tried to upload my Phineas.txt char dump so as to have the correct history on this post, but it was too large for the forum attachment size.


                        • Estie
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 2281

                          All of your spare melee weapons are inferior, I would drop them. You could carry one that gives immunity for specific uniques, but resist heat/cold potions do the job without lowering your damage and Pazuzu can stay alive.

                          You dont need to carry 2 sources of teleport; either scrolls (if both conf/blind covered) or staves (otherwise) is enough. I store some scrolls in the home, carrying staves, until Im immune to reading disables and switch to scrolls (squelching staves) if/when my kit gives me both protections.
                          Also, 1 type of failsafe escape is enough, ?destruct > ?tele level.

                          Similarly, I store the first rod of detection at home and only get rid of trap/stair/evil once I have 2 detection rods. I use treasure detect far more often than the other 2; in the later game, traps are mostly harmless, the biggest danger being trap door on a good level, so occasionally walking in areas not detected for traps is not a big deal.

                          Stealth pretty much goes away from my list of desirable mods once I have ~700 hit points and decent speed, that is, I am out of 1-shot land. At this stage its all about clearing vaults and killing uniques, neither of which is helped much by high stealth. Thats not to say I am going to use aggravating items (which I will do for the 2 endfights), just not sacrifice other things like damage or resists for stealth.


                          • Nivra
                            • Aug 2015
                            • 112

                            I've been carrying all three immunities (heat/cold/lightning) and swapping them out whenever I encounter any type of breather/caster to try and keep my consumables from all getting burned/shattered/zapped. Of course some casters cast multiple types, in that case, I've been doing fire to protect my staves of speed, but I've gotten lots of those now, so I may switch back to cold to protect my !healing. Is this overkill?


                            • Estie
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 2281

                              Originally posted by Nivra
                              I've been carrying all three immunities (heat/cold/lightning) and swapping them out whenever I encounter any type of breather/caster to try and keep my consumables from all getting burned/shattered/zapped. Of course some casters cast multiple types, in that case, I've been doing fire to protect my staves of speed, but I've gotten lots of those now, so I may switch back to cold to protect my !healing. Is this overkill?
                              Yes; just dont fight the more nasty types of inventory destroyers. Occasionally, to get at some vault, its worthwhile to risk a bit of burning, but my impression is that you are in "fight everything" mode which I dont recommend.

