Nick mentioned wanting more special abilities for races to help make them distinct. So let's brainstorm some! Feel free to suggest your own or argue with my suggestions. 
Humans: humans are adaptable and quick-learning. Level requirements for all other abilities are reduced by one (so e.g. they get ranger extra shots at levels 19/39, warrior innate fear resist at level 29, spells can be learned 1 level earlier, etc.).
Elf: masters of woodcraft, elves automatically identify bows and arrows, and gain a 5% accuracy bonus with missile weapons of all types.
Gnome: skilled in the use of magic devices, gnomes have a chance of being able to use devices without reducing the number of charges left, or using a rod while leaving it still fully-charged.
Dwarf: skilled in mining and extracting material wealth, dwarfs get more money from every money drop and from mining.
Half-Orc: these brutal half-breeds are adept at all manner of weapons, gaining extra blows with heavy weapons more easily (but with the same blows cap as normal).
Half-Troll: nearly indestructible, half-trolls gain 50% more AC from all non-body-armor slots.
Dunedan: this long-lived race of Men is learned in lore, and automatically identifies every artifact they find.
High-Elf: Sauron well recognizes the threat posed by skilled warriors from the race of immortals. Once a High-Elf reaches at least level 45, Sauron has a small chance of spawning on any dungeon level.
Hobbit: as long as a hobbit wears no footwear, their stealth is increased dramatically (+6, say).
Half-Elf: man, I dunno, give them ESP for orcs or something.

Humans: humans are adaptable and quick-learning. Level requirements for all other abilities are reduced by one (so e.g. they get ranger extra shots at levels 19/39, warrior innate fear resist at level 29, spells can be learned 1 level earlier, etc.).
Elf: masters of woodcraft, elves automatically identify bows and arrows, and gain a 5% accuracy bonus with missile weapons of all types.
Gnome: skilled in the use of magic devices, gnomes have a chance of being able to use devices without reducing the number of charges left, or using a rod while leaving it still fully-charged.
Dwarf: skilled in mining and extracting material wealth, dwarfs get more money from every money drop and from mining.
Half-Orc: these brutal half-breeds are adept at all manner of weapons, gaining extra blows with heavy weapons more easily (but with the same blows cap as normal).
Half-Troll: nearly indestructible, half-trolls gain 50% more AC from all non-body-armor slots.
Dunedan: this long-lived race of Men is learned in lore, and automatically identifies every artifact they find.
High-Elf: Sauron well recognizes the threat posed by skilled warriors from the race of immortals. Once a High-Elf reaches at least level 45, Sauron has a small chance of spawning on any dungeon level.

Hobbit: as long as a hobbit wears no footwear, their stealth is increased dramatically (+6, say).
Half-Elf: man, I dunno, give them ESP for orcs or something.