The One Ring is so rare that I feel like you're contractually obligated to wear it any time it shows up, just on the principle of the thing. The experience drain is somewhat significant, but not insurmountable (it used to be completely trivial, but someone changed that at some point). The ring really is incredibly powerful. The main downside is the aggravation, not the experience drain.
Look at it this way: how would you feel if, having found the One Ring, you die in a stupid way on the next level without even having put it on?
There's such a ridiculously tiny chance of ever finding it (I think I've seen it once in about five years of playing the game) that you should definitely just go for it.
There's such a ridiculously tiny chance of ever finding it (I think I've seen it once in about five years of playing the game)
I've never found it in twenty years!
The worst part is that it wasn't even a proper game, I was level-scumming with all the cheat modes on to test that the new templated rooms I'd designed were loading properly!
The One Ring is so rare that I feel like you're contractually obligated to wear it any time it shows up, just on the principle of the thing. The experience drain is somewhat significant, but not insurmountable (it used to be completely trivial, but someone changed that at some point). The ring really is incredibly powerful. The main downside is the aggravation, not the experience drain.
He is absolutely right on all accounts. You MUST wear it.
Yes. Aggravation. It's the worst possible thing that could possibly happen to any character in T2, esp. summoners or symbiants: Any pets will instantly turn on you. (Thus also making the Maia class completely pointless for any summoner-type class.... "but we won't tell you that until you reach level 20! Hah! We're so clever!")
I think I'll be changing it to a hefty stealth malus, but given the current state of the code base, it's a slog changing anything...