After the recent Half-Troll Warrior win I decided to jump back to mages because they're just so awesome. I'm also trying randarts for the first time. Decided to try a human mage for the fast levelling and see how it goes. And upwards around clev19 (which doesn't take all that long to achieve) I get a "superb treasures" feeling, so I exhaustively explore the level, never finding anything of interest, until the very last room which held a !Experience. Went from clev 19 to clev 30 in one fell swoop, from barely into the "d" spellbook to completing it! Also found a OOD rod of Acid Balls which is super great item to get early. Wormtongue dropped a shield of Resistance, so HuShain is off to the races! As always with early mages element resisting uniques are tough if not impossible because MM is just too slow unless you get a nice long hallway or big room to phase around in alot.
Other nice finds are a short bow of Power and a shovel of digging +5.
Other nice finds are a short bow of Power and a shovel of digging +5.