Death Analytics! Who is most likely to kill you

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  • Mark
    • Oct 2007
    • 121

    Death Analytics! Who is most likely to kill you

    Hello fellow Angbanders!

    I've continued to analyze the character dumps on the ladder, focussing on which monsters cause players to die. I've done this by looking at the "Last Messages" section of the dumps, and identifying which monster names are listed, and listing those which were taking action. (i.e. had a word implying action after their name, such as "hits", "bites", "breathes", "casts", "magically", "summons", etc). This means I've captured a broader range of monsters involved when a player dies, and not just the one that delivered the final blow. It does mean some monsters playing a 'minor role' in a player death could be over-emphasized, but this doesn't appear to have affected the top charts).

    I've normalized the results by class popularity, so even if one class was played more than other classes, and was particularly vulnerable to some monsters, this does not skew the results.

    The results will be skewed by the likelihood of encountering some monsters in the first place, and the likelihood of dumps being uploaded the ladder.

    Deaths from "it", "something", hunger and poison are not shown. ("it" and "something" topped the charts until I removed them)

    I've shown breakdowns per class, so you can identify which monsters pose the gravest threat to your character!

    I've saved the results as a single-file webpage, it doesn't open nicely from a straight click, you need to Save As and then open in a browser once downloaded.

    File is here

    In case anyone struggles with that, Ive also cobbled it together as a large PNG image. It's here
  • Mark
    • Oct 2007
    • 121

    I haven't actually applied much thought to the results yet, but I think that
    • Monster Damage vs Classes Hit Dice
    • Classes Saving Throws vs Monsters with debilitating attacks
    • Frequency of encountering monsters
    • Monsters with debilitating or hard-to-find-resistance attacks

    are the biggest contributors to a monster being more deadly


    • krazyhades
      • Jun 2013
      • 406

      Cool stats!

      I have to imagine that the only reason Morgoth shows up as such a common killer is that characters that die to Morgoth are more likely to get uploaded to the ladder than characters that die to some random monster.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Seeing Gorlim rank so high confirms my suspicion that he's the new Kavlax: he doesn't look threatening, but he's massively dangerous for the depth you encounter him at.

        Neat stats; thanks for compiling them!


        • Nick
          Vanilla maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 9353


          Beware the novice paladin!
          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


          • Timo Pietilä
            • Apr 2007
            • 3964

            Originally posted by Nick

            Beware the novice paladin!
            Early into game those novice paladin curses make substantial damage, and group of them only need to be in LoS of you. It surprised me rather recently how much damage they can make in one turn. I even posted an complaint about change in them only to be corrected that they haven't been changed.


            • Malak Darkhunter
              • May 2007
              • 683

              Originally posted by Derakon
              Seeing Gorlim rank so high confirms my suspicion that he's the new Kavlax: he doesn't look threatening, but he's massively dangerous for the depth you encounter him at.

              Neat stats; thanks for compiling them!
              I hate Gorlim, he is the most problematic Unique for the dungeon and player level he appears at, very dangerous.


              • Mondkalb
                • Apr 2007
                • 891

                I was expecting more Nar killings. But probably he kills them all before they get posted on the ladder.
                My Angband winners so far

                My FAangband efforts so far


                • Timo Pietilä
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 3964

                  Originally posted by Mondkalb
                  I was expecting more Nar killings. But probably he kills them all before they get posted on the ladder.
                  Nar is pushover to me. Kavlax and packs of plasma hounds are what gets me (if something gets me). Gorlim usually doesn't manage to make a kill, but he is tough for his level.


                  • Derakon
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8820

                    Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                    Early into game those novice paladin curses make substantial damage, and group of them only need to be in LoS of you. It surprised me rather recently how much damage they can make in one turn. I even posted an complaint about change in them only to be corrected that they haven't been changed.
                    They've received an indirect nerf in that they now show up in heterogenous groups. A pack of two Soldiers, three Gallants, and an Apprentice is a lot less dangerous than 6 Novice Paladins.


                    • AnonymousHero
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 1322

                      Originally posted by Mondkalb
                      I was expecting more Nar killings. But probably he kills them all before they get posted on the ladder.
                      Speaking of which... it might be really interesting to have anoynomous statistics uploads from within the game itself. Might make interesting reading in terms what usually trips up newbies (who don't end up posting to ladder) and just in general for non-ladder players.


                      • Carnivean
                        • Sep 2013
                        • 522

                        I'd just like an XML file of all the characters I've ever played stored locally to start with. Ideally it'd have an import function from previous versions that copied saves, preferences, etc as well as the history. An upload function would be a luxury.


                        • Zireael
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 199

                          Originally posted by Carnivean
                          I'd just like an XML file of all the characters I've ever played stored locally to start with. Ideally it'd have an import function from previous versions that copied saves, preferences, etc as well as the history. An upload function would be a luxury.

                          That's a great idea.


                          • Cromcruaich
                            • Feb 2014
                            • 8

                            Nice work! Kind of surprised to see the AMHD so high.


                            • Timo Pietilä
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 3964

                              Originally posted by Cromcruaich
                              Nice work! Kind of surprised to see the AMHD so high.
                              In old times that was the "cothca" -monster. You go from about 200 damage to 800, and resist poison was nowhere close as easy to get as it is now. New players that did not know what it is got major surprise.

