Top 5 deadliest uniques

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  • bio_hazard
    • Dec 2008
    • 573

    I don't know if I've ever died to him, but Beorn can be a little surprising if you get him early, especially playing priest. Fast, non-evil, push-past, he can come out of nowhere and trap you in a corner, and he's got enough HP you can't typically go toe-to-toe with him unless you've gotten really lucky with a great early weapon.


    • Bogatyr
      • Feb 2014
      • 525

      Yes I usually leave Beorn alone until I have either substantial speed or fairly serious damage output.


      • Sky
        • Oct 2016
        • 2309

        wisdom mode on/

        the strongest uniques are non-uniques.

        because when you do fight a unique, you focus, think hard how can you kill it, what gear you have, item activations, and so on. You do the math.

        but nothing like wandering into a dragon pit and just then remembering you left your good weapon at home and you dropped your scrolls of phase door but forgot to rebuy them.
        "i can take this dracolich"


        • MattB
          • Mar 2013
          • 1168

          Originally posted by Ingwe Ingweron
          Yes, they are. Teleport them away... teleport them away...
          One of the things that make GMMs so annoyingly dangerous is that they have a habit of filling the corridor between you and them with pointless centipedes and spiders at the same time as you decide that you're going to TO them the next turn. Or they summon a time hound...


          • MattB
            • Mar 2013
            • 1168

            Originally posted by bio_hazard
            I don't know if I've ever died to him, but Beorn can be a little surprising if you get him early, especially playing priest. Fast, non-evil, push-past, he can come out of nowhere and trap you in a corner, and he's got enough HP you can't typically go toe-to-toe with him unless you've gotten really lucky with a great early weapon.
            If you've got a bunch of phase door and semi-decent bow (e.g. long bow (+7,+7) he's pretty easy to take down at range. Just lure him into a big room. He's faster than his pack of friends so you can get him mano a mano, I mean mano a bearo.


            • Egavactip
              • Mar 2012
              • 443

              Originally posted by Scraper
              I was watching Fizzix comp. 138 winner on youtube and he didn't fight all that many uniques and actually stated outright that he was not going to even bother fighting the Tarrasque,
              Who do you think are the top five deadliest uniques and why?
              There are certainly situations where fighting the Tarrasque will take up more consumables than he is worth. In other situations, where you have the right gear, it makes sense to take him out before the final battles. It is very situational in my opinion. Same goes for the other two big does, as well as some of the other most powerful uniques.

              In general, my philosophy, is kill as many as you can before the final battles, as long as you can do so without putting yourself at undue risk or using up too many consumables. I have had too many frustrating situations--and one recent very painful death--where Morgoth was able to put me in a tough spot by summoning squads of uniques all at once.


              • Egavactip
                • Mar 2012
                • 443

                Originally posted by Derakon
                Hm. Kavlax is definitely at the top of the list, since he's so deceptively powerful. Players are likely to try to fight them before it's actually safe to do so.

                After that it gets murkier -- does a unique count as dangerous if you only fight it because you decide to? Then certainly the Tarrasque, Huan, etc. are up there. But you can readily avoid fighting every late-game unique if you choose to. That reduces the list down to early-game and mid-game uniques, where you may be blindsided by them before you quite realize what's going on. Adunaphel makes the list, then, as do Mim and his sons. Nar can actually be fairly surprising with his brain-smash attack; if you don't have CSW potions or better then that could easily kill you.
                Kavlax is definitely deadly. I hadn't ever thought of Adumaphel as particularly nasty, nor Nar. Mim et al are more irritating and annoying to me than anything I fear--their purpose seems to be to annoy me until I get a resist disenchantment item or a good missile weapon.


                • Egavactip
                  • Mar 2012
                  • 443

                  Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                  To me Gorlim seems to be the one filling Kavlax role. I always get surprised how much damage those water bolts do, and I rarely have conf resist when fighting him and he uses them a lot. He usually doesn't kill me, but I seem to try to kill him too early in every single game.
                  Gorlim is definitely one you have to keep away from for a while.


                  • Egavactip
                    • Mar 2012
                    • 443

                    Originally posted by fizzix
                    I think the most dangerous ones are the ones that have big breath attacks of things you might have resistance holes on (or might not be able to cover.) That means, I'd put the dangerous uniques as.

                    Kavlax (gravity breath)

                    Osse (nee Azriel, nether breath, was *much* worse as Azriel)

                    Huan (shards)

                    Carcharoth (nether)

                    Kronos (sound, shards)

                    Vecna, Feagwath (mana storm)

                    And of course Tarrasque (disenchantment)
                    Radagast and Ariel are also usually ones that make my testicles retract for quite a long time. Maeglin even more so.


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      Originally posted by Egavactip
                      Radagast and Ariel are also usually ones that make my testicles retract for quite a long time. Maeglin even more so.
                      Two new least favorites, tho not unoquee: Ringrauko and werewolf. Once you can handle the latter, the former start showing up absolutely everywhere.


                      • Psi
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 848

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        Two new least favorites, tho not unoquee: Ringrauko and werewolf. Once you can handle the latter, the former start showing up absolutely everywhere.
                        I'm sure you'll get equal enjoyment from Ururauko and Gwathrauko too


                        • Patashu
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 496

                          Comedy option: in Quickband, Bullroarer killed at least two of my Dwarf Priest attempts. Why? Because he can spawn on Dlvl2, and he walks faster than you and has good melee. So if he spawns and you can't deal with him (especially if you ran into a trap door on Dlvl1) you're probably doomed.
                          My Chiptune music, made in Famitracker:


                          • Sky
                            • Oct 2016
                            • 2309

                            well ...

                            the stone troll trio (Tolkien's attempt at comedy) have fooled me more than once because they look like regular trolls, AND they show up together, so nine times out of ten it's me thinking "how the heck can i be in the red, i'm just meleeing a bunch of tro... oh.."
                            "i can take this dracolich"


                            • Pete Mack
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 6697

                              Originally posted by Patashu
                              Comedy option: in Quickband, Bullroarer killed at least two of my Dwarf Priest attempts. Why? Because he can spawn on Dlvl2, and he walks faster than you and has good melee. So if he spawns and you can't deal with him (especially if you ran into a trap door on Dlvl1) you're probably doomed.
                              Bullroarer is a patsy. !Hero,?phase, and a stack of oil or a bow will take him down.


                              • Wastone
                                • Nov 2016
                                • 1

                                to me its Kavlax, Huan, Kronos, Tarrasque and Maeglin!!

                                sometimes they give me headaches, someone give me an aspirin please
                                Last edited by Wastone; February 24, 2017, 15:46.

