Dan's OFFICIAL Angband Question Thread

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  • Oramin
    • Jun 2012
    • 371

    As I recall, you can still determine if coins/treasure are a monster by simply running at them. With monsters you break off running one square before getting adjacent to them while with real coins/treasure you end up adjacent to them.

    Or, perhaps, my memory is in error.


    • Timo Pietilä
      • Apr 2007
      • 3964

      Originally posted by Philip
      1d1, I don't know why it talks about damage with those and not others. The only potions that damage on hit are Flask of Oil(not really a potion) and potion of detonations/death(not in the game anymore.
      IIRC death didn't do any damage when thrown (beyond maybe that 1d1) in vanilla. Detonations was 10d10 or something like that. Both killed you if you drank them (death was 5000 points of damage, detonations somewhat less).


      • Haladon
        • Jun 2013
        • 8

        Originally posted by OOD Town drunk
        I just realized something. The money mimics (i.e. Creeping Copper Coins, etc) have a tell with the no_selling flag on. Late game piles of adamantium coins with the no_selling flag on are typically about 6,000-8,000 coins, while without this flag on it will usually be under 2,000. As I play with this flag on, I've realized that every time I see a money mimic it's value will be entirely too small. Anybody else notice this?
        This made me wondering about creeping adamantium/mithil coins + no_selling + wand of Clone monster. Starts an anband mint.

        Originally posted by Philip
        1d1, I don't know why it talks about damage with those and not others. The only potions that damage on hit are Flask of Oil(not really a potion) and potion of detonations/death(not in the game anymore.
        I think those potion of blindness/poison/slowness etc. deal 3d4 damage. This puts them at par with the flask of oil which IIRC is 3x 1d4.


        • Nightmarjoo
          • May 2007
          • 104

          Were the blackmarket prices dropped significantly? Drago The Fair sold me one of his four Rings of Resist Poison for 3550 when I had 7 CHR. Didn't those rings used to be worth 10-100x that value, and be incredibly rare? A stack of 4 of them at that price is just completely different than what I'd have expected at whatever version I last actively played. Did I miss some meta-change where res_pois stopped being game-changingly important?

          Also, were hounds nerfed by a huge factor? I remember in the past packs of hounds ruining my day, but they seem to come in fewer numbers, breathe less frequently, and destroy my inventory less frequently when they do breathe. Am I imagining this?

          Have potions of restore mana become less rare?

          My first winner! http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=9326 Link, the Kobold Warrior!

          My second winner! http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=9369 Cailet, the Hobbit Mage!

          Damned be those who use High Elves, for they are the race of the weak!


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Resist poison is still important, but it's not so rare any more, nor are the rings worth as much money. The old system just meant players who were worried about poison resist had to spend a long time scumming for a ring (or a lucky Elvenkind, etc.), which wasn't fun.

            Hounds are less common and come in smaller groups. I don't think their stats were nerfed any, and inventory destruction rates are only dependent on the damage dealt, not the damage source.

            Restore Mana does seem to be considerably more common than it used to be, yes.


            • Haladon
              • Jun 2013
              • 8

              I found a minor bug when trying to test the adamantite mint. Casting clone monster on creeping adamantite coins creates a clone. But the clone is in unrevealed mode. So one doesn't have to fight two hastened mimics together. Shouldn't the clone be created as revealed so that it starts fighting back?
              Earned ~20000 in dlvl 25 with one wand.


              • Derakon
                • Dec 2009
                • 8820

                Good catch. There's lots of edge cases with mimics, but they're slowly getting towards where they behave properly.


                • OOD Town drunk
                  • Feb 2013
                  • 155

                  Originally posted by Haladon
                  I found a minor bug when trying to test the adamantite mint. Casting clone monster on creeping adamantite coins creates a clone. But the clone is in unrevealed mode. So one doesn't have to fight two hastened mimics together. Shouldn't the clone be created as revealed so that it starts fighting back?
                  Earned ~20000 in dlvl 25 with one wand.
                  that's fuckin awesome i'm anxious to try now. never did have much use for a wand of clone monster, til now

