Been enjoying this great game again after a long hiatus and thought I'd venture in to mucking about the guts of its code 
Seeing the comment on the FAQ about shop interface, I get the feeling that this has been talked about in the past. I hope you will bare with me for now.
One issue that bothers me is the lack of space in home. One could argue that increasing inventory slots at home will impact game balance. However, I feel that there is no practical impact as players are currently forced to keep only the best. They will still keep the best even with more home inventory slots and can even have a few variations for specific situations.
I prefer having more space in home as it allows me to experiment with some less powerful, but interesting combinations. IMO, this is a win. Yesterday, I found the helm of Gorlim and I really want to keep it (even just to look at it).
After some mucking around, I just increased STORE_INVEN_MAX to 48 and was able to play both on Linux and Windows. This did cause some wierdness in display as menu code was not designed for larger size. After some hunting, I just modified store_menu_set_selections(...) and set menu->selections to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ123456789"
This also nicely avoids the jarring effect of missing letters in the item indexes. My question is about the attept to remove command letters from the inventory index list. Admittedly, you can't go directly to any item whose index happens to be a store command. But, I don't see that as a problem as having that ability doesn't save any keystrokes.
My question is the comment that says menu->cmd_keys and menu->selections should not intersect. I haven't seen any ill effects so far. If a dev-team member can comment on if I've overlooked anything, I'd really appreciate it.
On the upside (downside?), I've forked a copy on github and will keep tinkering. If any of these changes are useful, I'll be happy to contribute.

Seeing the comment on the FAQ about shop interface, I get the feeling that this has been talked about in the past. I hope you will bare with me for now.
One issue that bothers me is the lack of space in home. One could argue that increasing inventory slots at home will impact game balance. However, I feel that there is no practical impact as players are currently forced to keep only the best. They will still keep the best even with more home inventory slots and can even have a few variations for specific situations.
I prefer having more space in home as it allows me to experiment with some less powerful, but interesting combinations. IMO, this is a win. Yesterday, I found the helm of Gorlim and I really want to keep it (even just to look at it).
After some mucking around, I just increased STORE_INVEN_MAX to 48 and was able to play both on Linux and Windows. This did cause some wierdness in display as menu code was not designed for larger size. After some hunting, I just modified store_menu_set_selections(...) and set menu->selections to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ123456789"
This also nicely avoids the jarring effect of missing letters in the item indexes. My question is about the attept to remove command letters from the inventory index list. Admittedly, you can't go directly to any item whose index happens to be a store command. But, I don't see that as a problem as having that ability doesn't save any keystrokes.
My question is the comment that says menu->cmd_keys and menu->selections should not intersect. I haven't seen any ill effects so far. If a dev-team member can comment on if I've overlooked anything, I'd really appreciate it.
On the upside (downside?), I've forked a copy on github and will keep tinkering. If any of these changes are useful, I'll be happy to contribute.