My latest hobbit mage just got cursed to death by an Acolyte. See death screen -> look at some useless stats, close window -> start Angband again -> I'm back with my hobbit before he died. Accidental savescumming, not good. 
IMO Angband should, if possible, mark the save file *on character death*, rather than on hitting the "Quit" entry after death, which seems to be what's happening now. The way things are, if you close the window without hitting "Quit," your save file is not marked as dead.
Edit: oh cool, 3.3.2 consolidates death stuff in death.c. Looking at the code, the problem appears to be that the function to save the game is the last one invoked. It should probably be invoked before the death screen is displayed, somewhere near the beginning of the file. I think.

IMO Angband should, if possible, mark the save file *on character death*, rather than on hitting the "Quit" entry after death, which seems to be what's happening now. The way things are, if you close the window without hitting "Quit," your save file is not marked as dead.
Edit: oh cool, 3.3.2 consolidates death stuff in death.c. Looking at the code, the problem appears to be that the function to save the game is the last one invoked. It should probably be invoked before the death screen is displayed, somewhere near the beginning of the file. I think.