what to throw away (and other noob questions)

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  • roustk
    • Dec 2007
    • 165

    Originally posted by roustk
    (I'm at 4750' and almost out of uniques, so should be done this week.)
    Winner -- see AAR thread. I found Cubragol, so I took the 50% cut in shooting power (to x3 rather than x4+2) to increase burdened base speed to +29.


    • aeneas
      • Jun 2007
      • 149

      Originally posted by Zero
      Thanks for the update.

      Wow, so if I had a Long Bow x3 (+X,+15) and an Arrow of Flame 1d4 (+Y,+15), the total damage would be ((3+3)*1)d4 + ((3+3)*(15+15)), or 6d4+180? Holy shit.
      That's pretty low damage for a V ranger actually (and would be low for any class, deep, except maybe a Priest who can stay in combat longer in compensation)... Let's say you have Bard, which is a x5 bow which is +19 to_dam (as far as I know it is not possible to get a x6 bow in V, at least without randarts). You are over clvl 40, so you get 3 shots. Your enemy is vulnerable to your branded ammo (which is 4d5 seeker, +15 to_dam of course... nothing but the best for _this_ ranger.. seeker bolts and cristal, all the way). In that case the total damage per round (assuming everything hits which is the normal way of calcing this, though it is not always the best way to do so) is 45*total damage... that is 45*(12+15+19). I could do the math, but I'd rather let you figure it out for yourself . And by the way.. that is conservative.. should actually be 12.5...

      Note that this only holds if you have ammo that is x3 against your opponent. And also note that while that stratospheric damage is not possible for non-rangers, they can still do very well with a good bow- in NPP they can do almost that well, with the right randart- and in NPP rangers only get 2 shots. Check out an NPP rogue with a good sling of Buckland. I have one on the backburner, though he didn't find the sling until 4950'... Not as bad as a V ranger, but... the quiver really compensates.

