While the game only lets @ wear 2 rings, this is because @ has 8 rings (slots are squelched so they don't show up) of +1 arm. This is how he manages to wield all those things and still be able to pick up/drop/rummage through his inventory/etc.
It would be funny (at least, for a short while and for people who didn't get their coffee this morning) if there was a variant that required free hands to do all that stuff, but let the player grow extra arms (and thus be able to do more / wield more) as he gained levels or maybe found "potions of extra arms", until the player had all the equip slots and could *still* do all the other stuff players do.
I'm most impressed with @ in that, no matter how many @s have been brutally slain in the dungeon, they just keep coming until Morgoth goes down.
I'm also impressed with the long-term planning of @. He or She always manages to father/bear a child before heading to the dungeon so there's a descendant to avenge them after they die.
Then there's the strange ability @ has of gaining the memories of his dead ancestor, and the fact that this ability perfectly remembers everything they knew about monsters, but nothing about items, flavors, etc.
It would be funny (at least, for a short while and for people who didn't get their coffee this morning) if there was a variant that required free hands to do all that stuff, but let the player grow extra arms (and thus be able to do more / wield more) as he gained levels or maybe found "potions of extra arms", until the player had all the equip slots and could *still* do all the other stuff players do.
I'm most impressed with @ in that, no matter how many @s have been brutally slain in the dungeon, they just keep coming until Morgoth goes down.
I'm also impressed with the long-term planning of @. He or She always manages to father/bear a child before heading to the dungeon so there's a descendant to avenge them after they die.
Then there's the strange ability @ has of gaining the memories of his dead ancestor, and the fact that this ability perfectly remembers everything they knew about monsters, but nothing about items, flavors, etc.