PS: I'm uploading my character to the ladder as I go --
My first Angband character
Some monsters, notably Snagas and some Orcs I think are hurt by bright light, including wands of light, the Phial, rods of illumination and such. Though they have to be in range not just in the room.My first winner:
You'll get a message "... cringes from the light" if it gets hurt, or "shrivles away in the light" if it dies.
There are some annoying non-moving things that are also effected.
Damage is generally pretty low though. Best use is definitely to illuminate corridors.Comment
I was mucking about on level 22 or so, and I found a helm of telepathy! Big ups. So I clear out a few globs of monsters, find some more good stuff, and I get cocky enough to start firing off a staff of summoning in a big room, hoping to get some good monsters.
Careful what you wish for...
Some guy called the Betrayer of Turin showed up (who knew that uniques could spawn from a staff?), and taught me what 'disenchantment' meansMy whip and my shield were each hit once before I could teleport him away and recall outta there.
Question -- will an amulet of inertia always reduce your speed in addition to granting free action? I have a ring of strength I'd like to keep on, instead of replacing with free action...
Also, is there a level of strength after which you don't get a damage bonus anymore? I think my reported damage has stopped going up after 18/59.
Whee...Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Hmmn... I just noticed that a War Hammer of Lightning that I've been stockpiling forever suddenly seems like it will do immense damage compared to before (92.2 per round compared to the 74 my whip had before it was disenchanted). Maybe it's time to switch!Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
You generally want to switch from light to heavy weapons as your strength and dexterity reach really high levels - they'll start having the blows to outclass whips and daggers.Comment
Every stat has an absolute maximum at 18/220. Some of them have practical maxima earlier than that (e.g. you don't get any more hitpoints from CON past 18/200). In practice you get accelerating returns on boosting your stats as you get closer and closer to the max, so stacking those stat boosts can be a big help, especially for CON. More hitpoints = more better.
Yes, Amulets of Inertia always have speed penalties. Fortunately rings aren't the only other source of FA, but they're the first good source. What's your other ring? Strength, FA, and what?Comment
As you've learned, it is generally a good idea to test scrolls and staffs while standing on the stairs. Monsters can't follow you so it is a safe escape. You can also sell them in town if you are really risk averse.
I'm sure someone can dig up the tables if you are interested, but as Jazerus mentioned, both STR and DEX are important. STR does effect damage by itself, but number of blows is a much bigger determinant. If you were not noticing much improvement in damage with added strength, then your DEX may have been limiting at that point.
Lightning weapons are generally pretty good because not as many things resist lightning compared to fire or cold branded.
as far as I know amulets of Inertia will always slow you and give you FA. With telepathy you could only wear it when you detect something with a paralyzing attack (of course you'd have to know what those are)
You'll probably want see invisible pretty soon, along with non-slowing FA.Comment
- - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.Comment
Every stat has an absolute maximum at 18/220. Some of them have practical maxima earlier than that (e.g. you don't get any more hitpoints from CON past 18/200). In practice you get accelerating returns on boosting your stats as you get closer and closer to the max, so stacking those stat boosts can be a big help, especially for CON. More hitpoints = more better.
Yes, Amulets of Inertia always have speed penalties. Fortunately rings aren't the only other source of FA, but they're the first good source. What's your other ring? Strength, FA, and what?
I think for now, I'll leave the Ring of the Dog in my pack, and keep the +FA and +Strength on. I'm hoping that, if I'm terrified, I can cure the condition by just wearing the ring. At most, I'd lose one fighting round... in theory
Of course, I need to test that the ring will actually cure the condition once inflicted, but there seem to be about infinity Gallants in the dungeon, so that shouldn't take long...Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Carry potions of Heroism to deal with being frightened. They will cure fear, as well as temporarily make you immune to fear. And heal you slightly and give you a small to-hit bonus.
Warriors get innate fear resistance at character level 30, by the way.Comment
Awesome, I got me a ring of see invis now too! I'm assuming there's nothing invisible that's going to 1-shot me? Is that a safe assumption? I'm thinking that I'll just keep it in my pack, and swap with my strength ring when invisible critters become a problem...
Does it look safe to you guys to dive below dlvl 30 now?
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
And yes, no creatures should be invisible if your character has SI.If you cannot answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names. ~Elbert HubbardComment
Almost died to a duo of Adamantite Coins and some sort of priest. Closest call yet! The Deep Descent scroll is a great call, phase door is actually pretty horrible when you're getting smacked around in a large roomGlaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment