So, I just had a lot of fun, playing a high elf mage ironman game. Made it to level 42 dl. 99 before death. Used magic only, bad randart weapons good resists. Anyway was thinking it would have made the game a lot more fun, if you could wield spellbooks. Give them a no attack flag, and don't let high level books stack, but give them a recharge mana actavation. I don't think this would make the game much easier, just less tedious. Less resting, dependinding on consumables etc. Maybe, you could lower spell failure rate for equipped book, mana storm is fun but 400 or so damage for such a high chance at failure, seems extreme. Giving the book resist blind, confusion, paralysis, like a weapon would also add variety, so you wouldn't only use one book. Tome had a lot of auras, fiery, icy, etc. That worked like thorns in Diablo, monster hits you monster recives, a world of hurt for his trouble. This would make close range casting a lot of fun, I think.
Well, just my 2 cents. Cheers
Well, just my 2 cents. Cheers