I seem to remember Thunderfist also being OK if you weren't going to get max blows with some of the other insane things. I still haven't ever found Deathwreaker
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'
I seem to remember Thunderfist also being OK if you weren't going to get max blows with some of the other insane things. I still haven't ever found Deathwreaker
Thunderfist has double-brand. That makes it very good general weapon, but it doesn't have slay evil which makes it to lose to many others for endgame.
Trident of Wrath used to be very good for spellcasters when it still was very heavy, but now that it is light weapon it has lost the appeal it used to have.
Aule is great for priests, but I hate Aule being "great hammer" which whole existence as base weapon IMO is a bug. No weapon should have no variation from dice damage. 18d1 is not the same thing as 9d3.
Eonwe is also very good weapon because of immunity and stat-boosts. I don't understand though why it got its dice boosted for 3.x versions. 4d4 was plenty good for that kind of weapon.
Eorlingas is a good weapon now that you can actually get max blows with it. 3d8+21 with slay evil and stat-boosts & +2 to speed makes it one of the best weapons in the game. With criticals against evil it gets very close same damage as Pain. In old versions it was junk weapon, not because of bad stats, but because it was too heavy to use.
+50 speed have to include RoS, maybe two. You have to ask which swap is better, RoS to RoDam or Ringil to Pain (if that is an option).
(4d5*2) (basically anything you care about are at least evil) + 25 + RoDam or 9d6 + 30. I think Ringil beats pretty much anything if you can do that swap with it.
Lets see...I had Ringel +10, Cubragol +10, RoS+14, "The One Ring" +5, Amulet of Trickery +3, Balance Dragon Scale of speed +5, Elven Cloak +1, Dal-i-thalion +5 ( for the Rconf ) I also found +10 boots of speed...but I thought that Rconf was more important that another +5 to my already insane speed. I wish I had save scummed this so that I could find out if I would double hit Morgoth at +50 speed. Which I sort of doubt.
Eorlingas is a good weapon now that you can actually get max blows with it. 3d8+21 with slay evil and stat-boosts & +2 to speed makes it one of the best weapons in the game. With criticals against evil it gets very close same damage as Pain. In old versions it was junk weapon, not because of bad stats, but because it was too heavy to use.
I agree I had Eorlingas with an other warrior that didn't survive and I loved the damage boost I'd get due to the weight.
Ringil. I think with the +10 speed its pretty much the best weapon in the game. I had 50+ speed with my most recent winner. http://angband.oook.cz/ladder-show.php?id=15743 and Ringil was a big part of that. Although some other weapons cause more damage per round, that +10 speed boost always you to get another round on most monsters in V since not too many monsters go past +20, unlike other variants. So for V I'd say Ringil trumps even the Glave of Pain. But if you were playing NPP or FA that would be more open for debate, since a lot of high lvl monsters are at +20
I've recently found a bunch of speed items so I'm base +26 speed with my melee swaps, so a haste spell puts that to +36 with GoP. 423 w/GoP, 286 Anguirel (max, 208 low), 315 Anduril (max, 216 low). It pains me to leave Anduril on the floor, but 200 hp/round avg difference says I should. Bah, I'll take Anduril home actually, Anguirel maybe too. It's good to have an aggravating swap to lure monsters out into a prepared location, but I have Gothmog's whip for that once I break the curse, plus imm fire. Red dragon pits, here I come!
I wish I had save scummed this so that I could find out if I would double hit Morgoth at +50 speed. Which I sort of doubt.
No speed is enough to give you twice the speed of Morgoth. +70 is max speed game handles and it gives you "only" 49/38 energy advantage, IE double-move every three or four moves. At +50 you have only 45/38 advantage which is double-move every five or six moves.
No speed is enough to give you twice the speed of Morgoth. +70 is max speed game handles and it gives you "only" 49/38 energy advantage, IE double-move every three or four moves. At +50 you have only 45/38 advantage which is double-move every five or six moves.
Hmm, well I got enough double moves that it made the fight pretty easy. Granted I did fall to 470 hps or so at one point. Which was sloppy of me.
+50 speed have to include RoS, maybe two. You have to ask which swap is better, RoS to RoDam or Ringil to Pain (if that is an option).
(4d5*2) (basically anything you care about are at least evil) + 25 + RoDam or 9d6 + 30. I think Ringil beats pretty much anything if you can do that swap with it.
You're forgetting the (9d6 + 30) * 2, * 3, frequently, it's a heavy weapon and it produces frequent criticals.
You're forgetting the (9d6 + 30) * 2, * 3, frequently, it's a heavy weapon and it produces frequent criticals.
Did a bit testing. With RoDam +14 -> RoS +10 swap and clvl 50 maxed out warrior Ringil beats Pain even with just slay evil, but OTOH warrior doesn't get max blows with Pain (5.5 vs 6). Same with Ranger gives Pain a tiny edge over Ringil against evil, but it loses against most other things.
Just for fun I created an MoD of Extra Attacks +2. Against undeads that beats both of those artifacts easily. Over 1000 points of damage against undeads and about 60 points more damage than Pain against everything (with Ranger). Loses to Ringil against those that Ringil gets proper slay except that undead obviously. Good thing we don't have those acid-branding rings anymore. Ditto for Fury-weapons. Those were way too powerful combo with big three.