Want a new feature...?

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  • takkaria
    • Apr 2007
    • 1895

    Want a new feature...?

    I track everything that gets posted on the forum and file bugs for everything I agree with. So, if you have a suggestion, start a new thread about the feature and you can be sure I'll read it and take it into consideration.
    Last edited by takkaria; December 24, 2008, 05:29.
    takkaria whispers something about options. -more-
  • Jenks
    • Mar 2008
    • 19

    Hi, I'm playing 3.0.9 and enjoying the game. However I do miss the different 'feeling' about items that are now gone. There was nothing more exciting than getting an item you thought was 'special'. Now everything's just 'good' and part of the excitement's gone. Will this return?


    • Psi
      • Apr 2007
      • 848

      Originally posted by Jenks
      Hi, I'm playing 3.0.9 and enjoying the game. However I do miss the different 'feeling' about items that are now gone. There was nothing more exciting than getting an item you thought was 'special'. Now everything's just 'good' and part of the excitement's gone. Will this return?
      Are you sure you are not just playing a class that doesn't have heavy pseudo-id?

      Completely off-topic, but where in Leicester are you from? I was back in my home town of Oadby at the weekend.


      • Jenks
        • Mar 2008
        • 19

        I'm a Dunadan Ranger level 35 (Explorer). Most of the time I'm getting so much stuff I just ID it straight away with spell, but up to about DL25 everything was just 'good' or 'cursed', no 'excellent', 'special' or even 'terrible'.

        I'm off the Narborough Road, LE3 btw.


        • Faust
          • Apr 2007
          • 113

          Rangers get weak psuedo-ID so only get {good} or {cursed} instead of the warrior style strong psuedo-ID.


          • Rizwan
            • Jun 2007
            • 280

            When wielding rings can we have it so that it asks us which hand we want to wield it on? Its a real pain when inventory is full and we have have to take off the ring ... the pack overflows ... wield the other ring .... pick up the first ring instead of just swapping the rings.


            • Anne
              • Feb 2008
              • 134

              I'd like to request the ability to 'look' at objects from another grid. As it stands, we have to move onto the object in order to find out what it is, even things our character dropped there a few turns ago which, realistically speaking, they would obviously recognize from across the room or down the hall. In real life, you can tell a bottle of olive oil from a bottle of canola oil by the shape. On the game, similar items are often only differentiated by a slight difference in color, which makes things much more difficult to tell apart visually.


              • Djabanete
                • Apr 2007
                • 553

                We have that ability, it is the regular 'l'ook command (e'x'amine for those of us who like the roguelike keyset). Press 'l' and then the directional keys to examine things at a distance.

                Someone please correct me if I misunderstood Anne's question or if this has been changed since 3.0.6...


                • Bandobras
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 676

                  I guess Anne meant "Inspect" (show details about the object), e.g. by pressing 'r' when looking at a distant object. I might have been possible in old V, at least for objects not in a stack. Anne, please correct me if I'm wrong.


                  • zaimoni
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 551

                    Originally posted by Bandobras
                    I guess Anne meant "Inspect" (show details about the object), e.g. by pressing 'r' when looking at a distant object. I might have been possible in old V, at least for objects not in a stack. Anne, please correct me if I'm wrong.
                    'r' when looking in V3.0.6 exists only when looking at a stack; it toggles a list view of the stack.
                    Zaiband: end the "I shouldn't have survived that" experience. V3.0.6 fork on Hg.
                    Zaiband 3.0.10 ETA Mar. 7 2011 (Yes, schedule slipped. Latest testing indicates not enough assert() calls to allow release.)
                    Z.C++: pre-alpha C/C++ compiler system (usable preprocessor). Also on Hg. Z.C++ 0.0.10 ETA December 31 2011


                    • Anne
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 134

                      Originally posted by Bandobras
                      I guess Anne meant "Inspect" (show details about the object), e.g. by pressing 'r' when looking at a distant object. I might have been possible in old V, at least for objects not in a stack. Anne, please correct me if I'm wrong.
                      Yes, that's what I should have said. Sorry for not being clear - too many distractions when I was writing that post. The thing is that if I know something about an object in my hands, then I know the same about it if I see it across the room. Maybe this is more helpful to people still relatively new to the game or those who haven't played for awhile - a veteran player would probably have memorized what a Potion of Whatsis is good for, but a new person encounters a lot of new objects in a short period of time and can't remember details about everything they've examined. Being able to 'recall' info about an item is much easier than having to write everything down in a text file if we want to remember which thing does what, or having to walk over and pick it up to see those details.


                      • will_asher
                        DaJAngband Maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 1063

                        You can recall object knowledge in the knowledge menu when you press "|"
                        aka LibraryAdventurer

                        My old variant DaJAngband:
                        http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


                        • Pete Mack
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 6697

                          What anne wants (and I've had the same idea) is to be able to look at an already ID'ed pile and see whether the particular Armor of Elvenkind (+2) provides RConf rather than RFear. I've never really had a strong opinion about the lack, but I have occasionally noticed it.

                          But yes, using ? or | (depending on which keyset) will bring up a useful overview of the type.


                          • Anne
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 134

                            Thank you, Pete, I'm not very good at explaining my thoughts with this sort of thing.

                            And you're right, there's the knowledge screen for basic information about an object type. But even so, I suppose I'm probably spoiled by Un, because you can just 'look' at an object and then 'recall' brings up the details - 2 keystrokes, no muss, no fuss (although it doesn't work for objects in piles, which would be helpful). Having to get it by way of the knowledge screen requires 2 keystrokes to get into the appropriate knowledge section, then scroll down the list to find the object category, then scroll down the individual objects to find the item, and then another keystroke to see the details about it. I don't mean to sound critical - the knowledge sections are very well done - I just like the convenience of two clicks.


                            • rdermyer
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 72

                              I think it would be cool if the *slays* would let you detect whatever it aided in slaying. Kind of like Elvish swords glowing when orcs are about. Then your *Slay* Dragon would let you detect dragons. I think it would add a little flavor and fit in with the world also, as well make them all a little better, too.

