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  • dhegler
    • Sep 2009
    • 252


    Where should I post issues with the nightlies download? I found that my normal shift+direction (num lock keys) does not work to run. I try turning num lock on and off, but neither work reliably. I think when it is off, I can run in the 4 main directions, but not the diagonals. In order to move diagonal, num lock needs to be on and I can't run with num lock on.

    Anyone else have this issue?

    Also, seems to be immensely harder for a mage... Maybe lower HP? The only class I ever beat the game with was a mage and I always found them easy, but I have been trying HE mage with no luck. Something has changed somewhere I think... Never had this much trouble diving quickly.
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    I usually post nightlies issues in the development subforum, and nobody's yelled at me for it yet.

    I don't think anything's changed in terms of race/class stats to explain why you're having trouble. Item frequencies may have changed, though; for example, I seem to be finding way more potions of Restore Mana than I used to. It's always hard to tell if something's gotten legitimately harder or if you're just having unusual luck, though.


    • PowerDiver
      • Mar 2008
      • 2782

      Originally posted by dhegler
      Where should I post issues with the nightlies download? I found that my normal shift+direction (num lock keys) does not work to run. I try turning num lock on and off, but neither work reliably. I think when it is off, I can run in the 4 main directions, but not the diagonals. In order to move diagonal, num lock needs to be on and I can't run with num lock on.
      I had a similar issue. I think the current proposed solution is to put all possible numpad keystyles into some pref file.

      Could you report the results of querying the keys that do not work properly? Start up the game and then '=' 'm' 'c' followed by the keypress [both with and without shift] to query. On my current keyboard, run NW returns {SK}7 with numlock off and {SMK}[Home] with numlock on.

      I can think of two changes in the nightlies that make things harder early. Enchant scrolls are no longer available from the alchemist, and money from selling items has been reduced. If you were relying upon a longbow and enchant scrolls things will be harder.


      • dhegler
        • Sep 2009
        • 252

        I will try to do that when I have some time...

        Oh, and now that I think about it, I think F5 and F6 were bound together. Every time I created a macro on either, both keys linked to the same macro, or overwrote both when I created a new macro.


        • Faust
          • Apr 2007
          • 113



          • dhegler
            • Sep 2009
            • 252

            Guess I don't need to test it, since there is an exact ticket open for the issue I am having... I would add however that F5 and F6 keys when used as macros are bound together.


            • PowerDiver
              • Mar 2008
              • 2782

              Originally posted by dhegler
              Guess I don't need to test it, since there is an exact ticket open for the issue I am having... I would add however that F5 and F6 keys when used as macros are bound together.
              If you want to get it fixed, someone has to report *all* of the info needed to put into the pref file. Keyboards vary, and possibly no one on the dev team has a keyboard like yours. You should also query F5 and F6. It is possible there is a short or something and your keyboard is sending the same signal for both.


              • Faust
                • Apr 2007
                • 113

                Having tested this both F5 & F6 return F5


                • myshkin
                  Angband Devteam member
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 327

                  This turned out to be a typo. (Search for F6 in ui-event.h.) The fix should be in nightlies soon.

