Artifacts in 3.2 (Master List)

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  • Tregonsee
    • Jan 2011
    • 129

    Artifacts in 3.2 (Master List)

    Has anyone put together a master list of the artifacts in 3.2 Vanilla with their powers? I would think the easiest way would be a spreadsheet with names of artifacts on one axis and powers on the other.
  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    If you're curious, you can read the source file that is used to make the artifacts. It's lib/edit/artifact.txt, and it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to read it.


    • Mondkalb
      • Apr 2007
      • 891

      You can create your own spoiler list.
      Start a new character, enter wizard mode bei CTRL-a and press "
      You get a choice for a couple of spoiler files to be created including artifacts.
      The files will be placed in \lib\user.

      Don't play that character though, the save file will be marked as "cheated".
      My Angband winners so far

      My FAangband efforts so far


      • buzzkill
        • May 2008
        • 2783

        Originally posted by Tregonsee
        Has anyone put together a master list of the artifacts in 3.2 Vanilla with their powers? I would think the easiest way would be a spreadsheet with names of artifacts on one axis and powers on the other.
        Once my character get sufficiently powerful that equipment choices become a headache, I create a spreadsheet to track all my equipment (equip/inven/home). It makes it easy to see which items have which properties, though creating and maintaining it with all the better stuff found and lesser stuff discarded is kind of a pain. It would be awesome if someone wrote a script that would analyze a dump, giggity, and do this automatically.

        I don't know of any such spreadsheet for artifacts, nor do I see how it would be helpful to game play. - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
        My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


        • Derakon
          • Dec 2009
          • 8820

          Someone did write an equipment optimizer; there's posts about it in the archives. I think it did a Simplex-based optimization function, so there was a bunch of arguing about what weights to assign to different abilities.


          • d_m
            Angband Devteam member
            • Aug 2008
            • 1516

            Originally posted by Derakon
            Someone did write an equipment optimizer; there's posts about it in the archives. I think it did a Simplex-based optimization function, so there was a bunch of arguing about what weights to assign to different abilities.
            Yes, it used linear programming to find a quasi-optimal gear arrangement.

            Earlier I had written a simpler script to find optimal resist coverage in python.


            • Tregonsee
              • Jan 2011
              • 129

              I have made the following template for an excel spreadsheet. I was going to upload it, but Angband does not allow excel spreadsheets as an allowable file type.


              • fph
                • Apr 2009
                • 956

                Originally posted by Derakon
                Someone did write an equipment optimizer; there's posts about it in the archives. I think it did a Simplex-based optimization function, so there was a bunch of arguing about what weights to assign to different abilities.
                It's here, and I am one of the authors. The project more or less died out due to lack of users and consensus on the weights. Also, probably linearity of the constraints is too much a heavy assumption.

                Actually, as already noted here, one of the most challenging tasks is writing a functional chardump parser. It would be great if Angband included the possibility to output chardumps in a more machine-friendly format such as the dreaded XML. I've never been exceedingly familiar with the codebase, but it could be a nice project to start when I have some free time (which might well translate to "never" ).
                Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


                • Max Stats
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 316

                  Originally posted by Tregonsee
                  I have made the following template for an excel spreadsheet. I was going to upload it, but Angband does not allow excel spreadsheets as an allowable file type.
                  If you put it into a ZIP file, you can upload it.
                  If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then why are beholders so freaking ugly?

