Equipment Questions

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Lokkak's nasty -- strong melee, decent hitpoints, and he's fast. He's almost the culmination of the "melee brute" unique that started out with Lagduf; I think only Rogrog comes after him.


    • celem
      • Jan 2011
      • 22

      Yeah he swung a lot, i wasnt even scratching him either and CCW barely kept up with his damage output. Going for revenge just now. High-elf warrior passing 1250

      Got a similar defender to last time. Luckier ring drops have let me play about with boosting stats to get extra swings on the big heavy weapons. Got Ring of Dex+3 and ring of str+1 for 4 swings

      Found Boots of Wormtongue (-1,-1) [2,0] (+3) which have been awesome. The hit/dam penalty is tiny and it gives 3 dex, 3 int and 3 speed which is proving very welcome


      • Timo Pietilä
        • Apr 2007
        • 3964

        Originally posted by celem
        There goes that character at last. Wasnt paying attention and got killed by Lokkak, ogre chieften at '1500. Forgot to run detect trap and fell into an ogre pit while wounded from the level above. Now that I've got a better handle on 1-30 I hope to get another guy there soon
        Small note: there is no such thing as ogre pit, and level change can never land you inside pit or vault. Next to them, yes but not in.


        • celem
          • Jan 2011
          • 22

          Ahh thats good to know. I came down in a hallway I think, but doors opened all around and everywhere I teleported to seemed to be swarming with stuff.

          Im not sure I understand the differences in the terminology anyway, particularly when it comes to pits and vaults.

          I did find a large rectangular room just now that i guess could be a vault. 1 door in and completely surrounded by a circular corridor. Room was completely full of slimes,moulds,jellies and fungi unlike the rest of the level. Met a lot of new types in the process of clearing it too. There was some magic book on the ground at the back but its not like my warrior can read.

          EDIT: Incidentaly the magic book sold for 8400 so it must have been good. Also a patch of memory moss went to town on my xp. Is this gonna be a recurring theme? Can I resist/repair it?
          Also the mass of acid jellies ate my plate armour down to -27 or something but I found some blue dragon armour which can cover for now.
          Last edited by celem; January 21, 2011, 15:56.


          • Timo Pietilä
            • Apr 2007
            • 3964

            Originally posted by celem
            Ahh thats good to know. I came down in a hallway I think, but doors opened all around and everywhere I teleported to seemed to be swarming with stuff.

            Im not sure I understand the differences in the terminology anyway, particularly when it comes to pits and vaults.

            I did find a large rectangular room just now that i guess could be a vault. 1 door in and completely surrounded by a circular corridor. Room was completely full of slimes,moulds,jellies and fungi unlike the rest of the level. Met a lot of new types in the process of clearing it too. There was some magic book on the ground at the back but its not like my warrior can read.
            That would be jelly pit. Pits (and graveyards and zoos) are rooms like that. There is order in other types of pits so that the most dangerous and deepest monster is into middle and weaker ones are in the borders, but jelly pits, zoos and graveyards are unorganized. IIRC after a new changes in pits those three are also only ones with items inside them. Other pit types give reward from killing monsters.

            Vaults are different kind of special rooms, usually quite large (with few exceptions) in many cases filled with monsters, traps and items and can have permanent walls with just one or two entries which you need to dig thru. Some of those are extremely dangerous and can contain monsters up to 40 levels OoD (actually a bit deeper than that, they are created like they were 40 levels OoD, which means 40 + what comes naturally).

            Those same grids used to have item created as 20lvls OoD and guaranteed excellent (ego, artifact, dungeon spellbook) however unfortunately current 3.2 has a bug that makes them just guaranteed good. Getting dagger (1d4) (+1,+1) is not worth opening such a vault. This bug makes basically all the would-be-best GV:s just huge waste of time.

            Fix would be easy in code, I hope we get 3.2.1 released soon and it contains that fix.

            Note that pits never contain traps. If you magic-map an area and see a pit-like room with trap in it, then it is not a pit.


            • Jude
              • Nov 2007
              • 112

              In regards to your xp getting drained, once you've got resistance to paralyze and poison, both of which are crucial, you want to start thinking about Hold Life. It's not a crucial resist since life draining (that's what XP draining is called for whatever reason) won't kill you, but it can be a real pain since it practically negates experience you get while drained. You'll either be chugging down Restore Life Levels potions like nobody's business, or you'll want to find something that gives you Hold Life.


              • Derakon
                • Dec 2009
                • 8820

                Or you learn what can drain your experience and don't get into melee with it. Wraiths, vampires, and ghosts are the main threats in that respect.

                Experience drain is annoying but not worth losing anything actually important for. I never really worry about it.


                • Tiburon Silverflame
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 403

                  Structurally, all pits are as Timo mentioned...the large rectangular room surrounded by what we call a moat, with 1 door from the moat into the pit itself. There's no internal structures in a pit; this is one way to identify, from the full-screen map display, what could be a pit, and other moated areas like checkerboard rooms. Vaults all have special shapes with LOTS of internal structure.

                  On pit terminology: All monsters in a pit share one theme, so most are identified by that theme. So, you have orc, troll, giant, and dragon pits (dragon pits are further narrowed because all the dragons are the same color). Orc and troll pits are excellent XP and items opportunities; giant pits can be lucrative, but later on you'll have titans in them, and they're much more difficult. Dragon pits are great when you have double resistance, or better immunity, to their breath weapons.

                  The more loosely themed are jelly pits (all slimes, icky things, molds, oozes, etc.), undead pits (AKA graveyards), and animal pits (AKA zoos). Jelly pits are often not worth the trouble for most classes; mages have a big advantage because they have ball spells that will do a fairly good job and let them clear it from range, reasonably efficiently. It helps that many monsters in a jelly pit are NOT mobile. Zoos are worse; everything moves, and there's going to frequently be a *wide* range of attacks headed at you. There's notable risk for things like blink dogs or gravity hounds which can shift you out from your little sheltered spot and into the middle of things. Graveyards...they're just plain DEADLY. They are, I believe, the deepest of all the pits...which means they've got LOTS of deep, tough monsters. It's fair to say, always think twice before trying to take one on...and choosing to completely avoid that part of the level, or even exiting the level altogether, can often be the sane course of action.


                  • PowerDiver
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 2782

                    Originally posted by Tiburon Silverflame
                    Jelly pits are often not worth the trouble. ... Zoos are worse. ... Graveyards...they're just plain DEADLY.
                    These all used to be best ignored, but they now have a smattering of floor items akin to vaults. My char in the current comp [3.2.0] cleared a graveyard to get the Palantir, which was generated on the ground among the items in the graveyard.

                    You will want to be able to banish drujs before stepping inside into LOS of half a dozen or more.


                    • Derakon
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 8820

                      Originally posted by PowerDiver
                      You will want to be able to banish drujs before stepping inside into LOS of half a dozen or more.
                      Or abuse LOS and ball attacks. Either way, sucks to be you if you're playing a warrior...


                      • LostTemplar
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 629

                        Or destruct if you want an artifact inside.


                        • PowerDiver
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 2782

                          Originally posted by Derakon
                          Or abuse LOS and ball attacks. Either way, sucks to be you if you're playing a warrior...
                          No need for abuse, and the comp char *was* a warrior. A staff or scroll of banishment suffices for such situations.


                          • fyonn
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 217

                            I would support the case that jelly pits are just not worth it. the things in it aren't that great for XP and so many of them do their best to ruin your equipment. very little stuff in it has a decent drop either. all pain, no gain.

                            ideally you'd see what it is by detection and then not even open the door. otherwise gelatinous cubes will chase you.

                            orc pits and troll pits are loads of fun. giant pits are lots of fun, but you'll need to be more buff, esp if there's a titan in there. dragon pits are great for gear, esp if you're double resisting or immune.

                            undead pits (ie graveyards) are extremely dangerous and as soon as you spot one by detection then you need to stop think what you want to do. I wouldn't say they should always be avoided as I've cleared several, but they need planning. don't even go near them until you've worked out a plan as they'll likely have black reavers in them. these guys are pretty tough on their own, but also bore through walls and if they get a sniff of you, they'll head straight towards you and let the other nasties out and graveyards are full of real hardcore nasties.


                            • Tiburon Silverflame
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 403

                              If I'm not playing a mage, I tend to be conservative with my banishment items; too valuable, and too scarce. At least as of 3.1.2; not down to those depths yet in 3.2.


                              • Derakon
                                • Dec 2009
                                • 8820

                                Staves of banishment are a different matter if you can find them, though; they're replenishable (to an extent anyway) and if you don't use them they'll probably get destroyed or drained.

