Somewhere between R2025 and R2030 a change seems to have broken randarts. I have tested in 25, 30, 31, 32 and 34.
What happens from 30 on is that you can set the randart birth flag when creating a character, and it seems to have worked as you can generate randart spoilers or artifacts using the debug commands. However, after saving and restarting, it is back to standarts. This doesn't happen with 25.
If you generate a savefile with randarts with 25 and load it with 30, it shows randarts. After saving and reloading it is back to standarts.
Note that the options display always shows randarts.
Somewhere between R2025 and R2030 a change seems to have broken randarts. I have tested in 25, 30, 31, 32 and 34.
What happens from 30 on is that you can set the randart birth flag when creating a character, and it seems to have worked as you can generate randart spoilers or artifacts using the debug commands. However, after saving and restarting, it is back to standarts. This doesn't happen with 25.
If you generate a savefile with randarts with 25 and load it with 30, it shows randarts. After saving and reloading it is back to standarts.
Note that the options display always shows randarts.