Warning - nightlies unbalanced from r2008
OK, a serious reply. If you are granting extra blows, force the pval to 1. Seriously, it is an insane ability. Its probability should probably be at least 1 in 1000 artifacts too ...Comment
Are you using the nightlies or 3.1.2v2? The latter doesn't value extra blows (or extra shots) highly enough, but with more recent versions, the only times I see extra blows on non-weapons, it's a piece of armor with +1 blow and maybe resist fear, and that's it.Comment
During the discussion we had on item pricing, one of the points I think everyone recognized, is that extra shots/blows on anything but a weapon, is *extremely* powerful.Comment
I am playing "angband-3.1.2v2"; whatever that means. I don't know what "nightlies" is.
The version I play seems to be the version hosted as public download at http://rephial.org/.
Is this a bad version?
Are there different current versions?Comment
I am playing "angband-3.1.2v2"; whatever that means. I don't know what "nightlies" is.
The version I play seems to be the version hosted as public download at http://rephial.org/.
Is this a bad version?
Are there different current versions?
This is automatically daily build versions of the development version of the game, which means that it is no way guaranteed to work at all, but usually it is fairly stable.
There are differences in 3.1.2v2 and that, with maybe major thing in item AC which is now way higher for every armor, and that there are ego dragon armors (ever had green DSM of speed +10?, or BalanceDSM of Permanence {confusion}GreenDSM of resistance = MHDSM).
This is automatically daily build versions of the development version of the game, which means that it is no way guaranteed to work at all, but usually it is fairly stable.
There are differences in 3.1.2v2 and that, with maybe major thing in item AC which is now way higher for every armor, and that there are ego dragon armors (ever had green DSM of speed +10?, or BalanceDSM of Permanence {confusion}GreenDSM of resistance = MHDSM).
It is indeed, and glad you've successfully upgraded. Please shout (post here or PM me) if you find +3 blows on any nonweapon randart in the nightlies!"Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment
Note that the nightlies are currently rather broken with regards to randarts, not because the individual randarts are overpowered, but because randarts in general are very common -- to the extent that I'm surprised if I don't find several in each dungeon trip once I hit ~1500'.Comment
Note that the nightlies are currently rather broken with regards to randarts, not because the individual randarts are overpowered, but because randarts in general are very common -- to the extent that I'm surprised if I don't find several in each dungeon trip once I hit ~1500'."Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment
Yup, this is #1155. Unfortunately it's a little more work than just noting the seed, as that seed is used elsewhere and would result in identical games. But it's on the radar."Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment
(In that case, #1155 can be addressed by saving the "randart seed" separately in the savefile, and adding an option to use it instead of using a new one)"Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment