Why are Lanterns identified?

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  • Ycombinator
    • Apr 2010
    • 153

    ego_item.txt has two commented out entries for light sources: of Shadows (stealth, rLight) and of True Sight (rBlind + SI).

    Giving rDark to the Phial of Galadriel is quite tempting. In fact, when I found it for the first time, I was pretty much sure it will save me from dark hounds! But I'm not sure if this really should be done.
    (OT: When playing standarts I never sell or discard the Phial. It feels totally wrong to give away something that came from the hands of Galadriel.)


    • Timo Pietilä
      • Apr 2007
      • 3964

      Originally posted by Ycombinator
      ego_item.txt has two commented out entries for light sources: of Shadows (stealth, rLight) and of True Sight (rBlind + SI).

      Giving rDark to the Phial of Galadriel is quite tempting. In fact, when I found it for the first time, I was pretty much sure it will save me from dark hounds! But I'm not sure if this really should be done.
      (OT: When playing standarts I never sell or discard the Phial. It feels totally wrong to give away something that came from the hands of Galadriel.)
      Phial is the only real lightsource of the all artifact lightsources. Arkenstone was described as self-illuminating, but it was not designed as lightsource, it was just a jewel. Same applies to Star of Elendil. Palantir isn't even self-illuminating jewel, but "seeing stone" that should IMO be artifact rod or not exist at all.

      There is a pretty impressive description what phial could do in brave hands in The Two Towers (not the movie, the book). I don't have a English version handy, but Sam used it to get past of tower guardians, and against Shelob and description said that light was like a lightning that just kept shining. (can't translate, I'm not writer). To me that counts as "very very very bright".

      I would increase Phial light radius to at least four and have its activation to do heavy light damage for monsters that are light-sensitive (something like twice rod of light damage). Use it in middle of orcs and they get hurt.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Actually, having the Phial activate for a "hard light" (like breathed by light hounds) area effect that could hurt any non-light-resistant monster would be pretty neat. Current illumination damage is pathetic; the Phial ought to be able to do more than just hurt some orcs.

        But then it'd need to be a seriously deep artifact IMO. That's fine; we can make up the difference with ego lights of various types.

        Oh, forgot an ego from ToME: lantern of Illumination, activates for light area. So basically the Phial with a smaller light radius.


        • Ycombinator
          • Apr 2010
          • 153

          Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
          Phial is the only real lightsource of the all artifact lightsources. Arkenstone was described as self-illuminating, but it was not designed as lightsource, it was just a jewel. Same applies to Star of Elendil. Palantir isn't even self-illuminating jewel, but "seeing stone" that should IMO be artifact rod or not exist at all.
          At least the Palantir used by Denethor glowed bright enough when activated so that people outside could see its light through windows.
          'It was in the very hour that Faramir was brought to the Tower that
          many of us saw a strange light in the topmost chamber,' said Beregond.
          Return of The King, Chapter 7

          So I think using Palantir as a light source is not far fetched.


          • Hariolor
            • Sep 2008
            • 289

            Originally posted by Ycombinator
            At least the Palantir used by Denethor glowed bright enough when activated so that people outside could see its light through windows.

            Return of The King, Chapter 7

            So I think using Palantir as a light source is not far fetched.
            I suspect (but have no evidence) that the light referenced there might have been light spilling through from Sauron on the "other side" of the palantir.

            Doesn't bother me either way, honestly.


            • Tiburon Silverflame
              • Feb 2010
              • 403

              The Phial is one of the artifacts I look forward to finding the most, regardless of class. If nothing else, for the weight reduction/inventory savings. Honestly, IMO, that's PLENTY good enough.

              rDark makes some sense for the Phial. If we want to change the activation...NOT that I dislike what it does now, as it's handy as heck...I could see either remove fear or detect evil. Remove fear is the one I'd support, as we're discussing that detection's too extensive now anyway, and it fits better thematically.

              But as I said, IMO it's fine as it is. Maybe increase the light radius, if you prefer...one thing that is true is, mechanically, both the Star and the Arkenstone are significantly better. If the Phial gets the largest light radius, then you have at least some reason to stay with it.


              • Timo Pietilä
                • Apr 2007
                • 3964

                Originally posted by Tiburon Silverflame
                rDark makes some sense for the Phial. If we want to change the activation...NOT that I dislike what it does now, as it's handy as heck...I could see either remove fear or detect evil.
                One thing all lightsources did before Palantir was introduced was detect some part of dungeon structure. Phial illuminated rooms or space near you, Star magic maps, Arkenstone used to wizard-light entire dungeon. Now Arkenstones activation is almost completely useless and it is useful only because it is a) lightsource b) it has some bonuses. If you don't need those bonuses then any of the three other lightsources beat it.

                So: phial activation should keep lighting rooms but maybe you could add remove fear to it.

                I still think Palantir should not exist as light source. In my variant (if I ever manage to finish it) it will be gone or turned to artifact rod. Don't know how to do that properly, so it probably will be gone.


                • Nick
                  Vanilla maintainer
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 9353

                  Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                  I still think Palantir should not exist as light source. In my variant (if I ever manage to finish it) it will be gone or turned to artifact rod. Don't know how to do that properly, so it probably will be gone.
                  O/FA have artitact rods. First lesson of variant maintaining is how to steal stuff
                  One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                  In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                  • Atarlost
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 426

                    I'd make it do more damage. Still only to light vulnerable monsters, but enough to be worth a turn in combat. It was, after all, used that way in Two Towers.
                    One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
                    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


                    • buzzkill
                      • May 2008
                      • 2783

                      There really needs to be two forms of light. The 'normal ' light that illuminates a corridor or lights a room, and the kind of 'bright' or 'holy' light that damages light sensitive creatures. The phial IMO should provide both.
                      www.mediafire.com/buzzkill - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                      My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


                      • Pete Mack
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 6697

                        Originally posted by buzzkill
                        There really needs to be two forms of light. The 'normal ' light that illuminates a corridor or lights a room, and the kind of 'bright' or 'holy' light that damages light sensitive creatures. The phial IMO should provide both.
                        Hmm, yes, that "normal" kind of light that permanently illuminates a hall or room, until someone invokes "darkness".
                        I have that kind of light in my house, after all. It's mounted on the wall in a 2"x5" rectangle at waist height.

