the RNG must be hunting me now..
my level 34 human warrior has just found feanor for the first time ever (aren't they one of the rarer artefacts in the game?) but I can't yet put them on as Dal-i-thalion is my only source of Rconf....
now on a hunt for Rconf as I can't have feanor and not wear them... now I just need to live long enough to try them on.
incidentally, dropped my medusa on dlvl 43. I've rarely played warriors but they really can put quite a lot of damage down in melee. medusa was a real problem for a recent priest but this guy just mowed her down as some naga's looked on in terror.
my level 34 human warrior has just found feanor for the first time ever (aren't they one of the rarer artefacts in the game?) but I can't yet put them on as Dal-i-thalion is my only source of Rconf....
now on a hunt for Rconf as I can't have feanor and not wear them... now I just need to live long enough to try them on.
incidentally, dropped my medusa on dlvl 43. I've rarely played warriors but they really can put quite a lot of damage down in melee. medusa was a real problem for a recent priest but this guy just mowed her down as some naga's looked on in terror.