Identification Reform

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  • Susramanian
    • Feb 2010
    • 53

    Identification Reform

    Identification reform:
    In my more frustrated moments, I've sometimes wished to do away with the identification mechanic altogether. It really is an incredible hassle at times, especially early on for most classes. Those painful early levels have gotten much better with the development of ID by use, but the incentive for using it lasts only so long as identification is relatively costly, which isn't long.

    I don't want to get rid of identification completely, as it can still be a source of fun. Who doesn't get a thrill at finding a scroll titled 'gnarf sheeb' thousands of feet down? Or an unknown potion around 1700 feet? Or seeing a 'splendid' or 'special' pseudo ID? The thrill of the mysterious and unexpected is my primary reason for wanting identification around. It's fun to encounter something new and think "What's that?" Also, it does add to the challenges of inventory and gold management, though in a trivial way for much of the game.

    What makes me call for a reform is the sheer tedium of it all, especially in the late game where, for every class, the ID mechanic boils down to (at least) an extra keystroke for almost every bit of loot you find. No strategy, no decision making, no challenge, no worries about cost, nothing but a bunch of extra time and keystrokes. And if you're a warrior without a huge stack of Rods of Identify, life sucks.

    To put it simply, I want to spend my time finding and earning loot, not pondering it. It seems ridiculous that a battle against a swarm of ancient dragons could take far less time and fewer keystrokes than simply discovering what it was that they were all carrying.

    So with the goals of retaining the joy of discovery and simultaneously eliminating tedium, I have a few possible reforms. All of these apply to gear, not potions and wands and the like.

    1) Instantly ID everything you walk over except for artifacts. When an artifact is encountered, give it a flavored description. For example, "You see a beautifully-wrought dagger." Or "You see a set of steel gauntlets glowing with power." Maybe tailor the flavor descriptions based on random flags of the item, so Ringil might get described as "a fine, icy longsword." This is the most drastic of my proposed changes, but I think it would actually enhance the joy of discovery in many cases. Hammering your ID macro over a stack of dragon loot and then sifting through it to find an artifact is a nice surprise, but I don't think it compares to seeing the inscription {special} appear on an item in your inventory. Looking at a pile of freshly dropped loot and seeing an Exquisitely-Fashioned Set of Leather Boots would produce a similar feeling, I think.

    2) Instantly ID things as described above, but only things of a certain power compared to your experience or level. Starting characters only know about completely non-magical items, level 50 characters recognize everything but artifacts. Never insta-ID artifacts, instead treating them as in suggestion 1. Tune things so that encountering unidentified items is still fairly rare, at least enough to keep the thrill of discovery.

    3) Instantly ID average and good weapons and armor, but make ego item ID work like ID with potions and wands and things. You find one holy avenger, you'll recognize another when you see it. Keep artifact ID as in suggestions 1 and 2. Throughout the game, encountering unIDed items remains rare and exciting.

    I realize that all of these changes are probably too radical for Vanilla, but I would marry any variant that adopted one of them.
    Last edited by Susramanian; March 1, 2010, 22:05.
  • awldune
    • Dec 2007
    • 107

    Even in 3.1.2 it can be very tedious as a warrior with a small stack of identify rods to see what's what after clearing a pit or vault.

    NPP has a "Mass Identify" spell/scroll/staff/rod that ID's all items in your pack and on the floor within a certain distance. Hugely helpful when cleaning up after clearing dragon pits, etc.

    I wish that were available in V late game.


    • The GP Fury
      • May 2007
      • 62

      Yeah, that drives me crazy as well. I'm tempted to add an option for "hack'n'slash" mode as a birth option that'd give the character auto_id at start, so that the identification would play more like a standard rpg. *identify* would still be necessary, but that's not as frustrating as going through piles and piles of stuff
      Photography ~ Tech Blog


      • dhegler
        • Sep 2009
        • 252

        My two cents... Mass Identify scrolls/rods/staves would be great. I have gotten to like ID-by-use early-game, and really find Identify to be more annoying mid-end game. I don't want to get rid of it, but something that ID's everything in your pack, or in a certain radius would be great.


        • The GP Fury
          • May 2007
          • 62

          stupid idea, what if there is a level check on the identify? Like if the player level is over 30 or something it does a full identify?
          Photography ~ Tech Blog


          • miyazaki
            • Jan 2009
            • 227

            If ID gets any easier, I may stop playing V.

            Artifacts are already instantly revealed on pick-up, pseudo-ID is faster than ever before, *identify* has been removed, _identify has been added, indestructable -IDs have been added, ID-by-use is in full force, some races have been given insta-ID for some items, and squelch settings are being improved.

            I like that there is a cost to identifying items, especially early game; I like that it makes inventory management more difficult; I like that it drives up turncount to sift through the detritus of an orc pit.

            The current ID system makes classes different (warriors). It makes you think about using your mana to ID things and possibly be caught with your pants down. It makes you think about trying to sneak into a vault and grab an un-IDed amulet and out again. It definitely causes ironman player to make difficult decisions. Once the curses are re-done, it will improve the risk/reward structure of ID-by-use resulting in more tactical choices (hopefully).

            Instead of making ID easier, I think it should be made harder: remove the spell from rangers and paladins, increase the cost of scrolls and staves and force players to use ID-by-use. This will make ID less tedious (because it become impractical to ID every last item) and more tactical.


            • Magnate
              Angband Devteam member
              • May 2007
              • 4916

              Originally posted by miyazaki
              If ID gets any easier, I may stop playing V.

              Artifacts are already instantly revealed on pick-up, pseudo-ID is faster than ever before, *identify* has been removed, _identify has been added, indestructable -IDs have been added, ID-by-use is in full force, some races have been given insta-ID for some items, and squelch settings are being improved.

              I like that there is a cost to identifying items, especially early game; I like that it makes inventory management more difficult; I like that it drives up turncount to sift through the detritus of an orc pit.

              The current ID system makes classes different (warriors). It makes you think about using your mana to ID things and possibly be caught with your pants down. It makes you think about trying to sneak into a vault and grab an un-IDed amulet and out again. It definitely causes ironman player to make difficult decisions. Once the curses are re-done, it will improve the risk/reward structure of ID-by-use resulting in more tactical choices (hopefully).

              Instead of making ID easier, I think it should be made harder: remove the spell from rangers and paladins, increase the cost of scrolls and staves and force players to use ID-by-use. This will make ID less tedious (because it become impractical to ID every last item) and more tactical.
              Yeah, I think I'm with you. Improving ID-by-use ought to mean that magical ID gets rarer and more expensive. I think we're in an in-between phase where both are relatively easy - so if things develop as I expect, ID will get more tactical/challenging from here.

              I have to say ID is not my bag though, so I won't personally be coding any of this. I just think that there's no point having it at all if it's too easy.

              As always it's related to a lot of other things though. Reworked curses you already mentioned - critical for making ID by use interesting and viable. Another one is toning down / rebalancing ego drops: less junk means less frustration with ID.
              "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


              • ewert
                • Jul 2009
                • 719

                I'm definitely not in the same camp as miyazaki and Magnate in previous posts. Identifying gets to be a tedium very, very quickly. Reducing tedium usually is good for gameplay experience. Frankly, only way to truly make identify "tactical" instead of just a minor cash sink and possibly a major time-sink, will be to make identify itself rare as in remove spells and making scrolls as rare as *identify* before. Otherwise, it is only a minor cash and major timesink, as in, tedium and inconsequential in the long rung.

                With spellcasting classes it just means that until you get the identify spell, you carry scrolls or staves. And for warriors it means you carry scrolls forever pretty much until you get the rod...

                Myself, pre-id spell I carry about 20 scrolls "down", use em as I go, and when they are used up it is about time to return anyways. Classes that get the spell can skip that step and not have an extra possible reason to visit town, so it leaves the warrior. For warriors, the scrolls stay as part of inventory till a rod comes along, and then it's a very very boring id, wait, id, wait thing.

                I hugely applaud the removal of *identify*. Auto-id for charges, lovely. Also did you lower the ID spell fail chance base? Atleast it felt like that for my current troll mage compared to my previous recollections, or maybe I just confuse with rogue spell chances.

                The Mass Identify staves from NPP(?) work great. But considering it all, I could really go for the auto-id on walking over for items of "lower id-rank than character level". Oh and id by use, man that is true tedium. =) Yeah it is useful for the very few first levels before you get enough cash to be able to keep stacks of ID on you without troubles.

                I guess ironman is hugely affected by all this, but was it supposed to be that ironman can't be used as the reason to change or keep game mechanics? (I truly don't remember, so am truly asking, not moaning about it )


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  It's been a long time since I found it entertaining to sort through un-identified equipment items. The early game inventory crush is vastly outweighed by the mid- and late-game tedium. Leave ID in for figuring out what flavored items are, but beyond that I support any changes that mean that I don't have to poke at a piece of gear for several turns before deciding what to do with it.


                  • Netbrian
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 141

                    Originally posted by Derakon
                    It's been a long time since I found it entertaining to sort through un-identified equipment items. The early game inventory crush is vastly outweighed by the mid- and late-game tedium. Leave ID in for figuring out what flavored items are, but beyond that I support any changes that mean that I don't have to poke at a piece of gear for several turns before deciding what to do with it.
                    I second this. Maybe move toward a rune-based system (once you've seen one thing with Slay Orc, you've seen them all), and give classses the ability to automatically sense pluses at a particular level.

                    (Actually, as far as I'm concerned, things could be identified just by walking over them. Kills the tedium while still forcing people to actually go into the vault to see if the ring of speed is worthwhile.)


                    • konijn_
                      Hellband maintainer
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 345

                      Originally posted by Susramanian
                      Snip lots of id's.
                      How about making things you want to collect, like banish , banish all, speed, !healing, !xp , !stats , ego items ( that give speed ) be acid/fire/elec resistant.

                      After clean up of pits you acid/fire/elec ball the place and only the good stuff remains. This might make those rods useful throughout the game.


                      Or, <shameless plug> play a Hellband character born under Plutus :

                      "Even though Plutus' star is not classified under modern",
                      "astronomy, it's effects on newborns can be profound.The",
                      "need to amass large fortunes and to tell whether things",
                      "are valuable or not. They also have the Second Sight, ",
                      "their belongings are protected from disenchantment and ",
                      "they tend to discover things that were meant to stay ",
                      "hidden. The only drawback they have is that they cannot",
                      "easily part with their money, they can only spend 10% ",
                      "of it at one time. ",

                      They instant pseudo till level 15, instant id from 15 to 30, instant *id* from 30 to 50.

                      * Are you ready for something else ? Hellband 0.8.8 is out! *


                      • fizzix
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 2969

                        I think out of the id options I've come across, rune-based is the strongest. It really cuts down on the tedium. After rune based is implemented and curses are fixed, you can just chuck id spells/scrolls altogether. Maybe make a rare id scroll that id's everything in the player's inventory.

                        Also, I disagreed with the following statement by the OP.

                        "To put it simply, I want to spend my time finding and earning loot, not pondering it. It seems ridiculous that a battle against a swarm of ancient dragons could take far less time and fewer keystrokes than simply discovering what it was that they were all carrying."

                        This makes perfect sense and is not ridiculous at all. For an apt analogous example, consider how long it took to kill Smaug and how long it took to figure out that Bilbo's ring was the One Ring. If anything, the quickness that you can quickly determine the items in a dragon's pit is the ridiculous part. I'm not saying it's not good gameplay, just that it's very reasonable that identification is difficult and hard.


                        • buzzkill
                          • May 2008
                          • 2783

                          I agree with miyazaki's post, however there is one thing that bugs me. Once I've seen a Ring of Strength (for example), I know all RoS on sight, but I still have to ID the +/-. I don't mind doing this the first time for each value, but shouldn't I be able to fully ID a RoS (+3) on sight if I've previously found a RoS (+3).
                 - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
                          My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


                          • Atarlost
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 426

                            On the other hand it took someone literate in Quenya five minutes to ID Orcrist and Glamdring.

                            The One was designed to conceal itself and should rightly be considered aberrant.
                            One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to bind them.
                            One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness interrupt the movie.


                            • The GP Fury
                              • May 2007
                              • 62

                              Heh...I do that with acid around the midgame. by that point all I care about are artifacts and randarts.
                              Photography ~ Tech Blog

