Hi! So I'm running another kobold priest, in early 2000's now, and I got couple of small questions to ask more experienced players.
Q#1: Got my filthy hands on Godly Insights, so I would like to ditch book 1 (Beginners Handbook). Only spell I use from it is Call Light. What do you folks use instead of Call Light from book1 in late game? Do you just not bother lighting up rooms?
PS I love taking out whole orc pit in single turn with Dispel Evil. Muahaha
Q#1: Got my filthy hands on Godly Insights, so I would like to ditch book 1 (Beginners Handbook). Only spell I use from it is Call Light. What do you folks use instead of Call Light from book1 in late game? Do you just not bother lighting up rooms?
PS I love taking out whole orc pit in single turn with Dispel Evil. Muahaha
