What is your win/loss rato?

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  • gangbandit
    • Nov 2024
    • 1

    What is your win/loss rato?

    I am on my 11th attempt to win the game.
    3 lossess at dl 98 cl 47. I got bored/reckless at the end of the game. Painful to lose, and I feel like failure.
    So, what is your win/loss rato? Maybe If I compare with others, I'll feel better
  • Grotug
    • Nov 2013
    • 1562

    I win 75 to 80% of the games I attempt. Most of my losses come within the first 5 levels or either side of DL20. Sometimes I die in the DL40s /50s if I’m really struggling to find good gear.

    I play forced descent so I can’t grind the DL30s until I’m ready to go deeper.
    Beginner's Guide to Angband 4.2.3 Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9c9e2wMngM

    Detailed account of my Ironman win here.

    "My guess is that Grip and Fang have many more kills than Gothmog and Lungorthin." --Fizzix


    • Sky
      • Oct 2016
      • 2309

      i dont think this question has an answer.

      if looking at lifetime - which you should - then it's abysmal. i played on/off for almost 4 years without understanding some very basic aspects of the game. then i got better, meaning i knew what was it that i was supposed to look out for, but would still forget stuff while playing. Then i remembered the stuff but would press too many buttons.
      I had to learn to play,
      then i had to learn to play,
      and then i had to learn to play,
      before i got good.

      i would say i even got worse now, meaning i'm not so detail obsessed now and i have a higher failure rate now, than i did 1-2 years ago, because i've won enough times that i don't care much about perfection. But if you put money on the table and a PC in front of me, i would almost certainly win that one game.
      "i can take this dracolich"


      • agoodman
        • Jan 2011
        • 114

        I usually Borg. The borgs win/loss is currently about .... 0 out of thousands. Working on the borgs end game


        • gangbandit
          • Nov 2024
          • 1

          I am currently stuck in a rut - cannot progress past DL 33.
          Tedious boring battles with endless T.
          Endless poisoning.
          I can take out a few of T, then need to rest. Nowhere to rest though, as no stealth.
          Every room in the dangeon monsters are after me.
          I go through CLW like there is no tomorrow.
          Nothing good drops out of monsters.
          Nothing good appears in the black market.
          Blackguard has pitiful healing.
          I tried to dive deeper, but it just get worse.
          I tried to un-dive, but even that is problematic - how do you reach the stairs through the pack of T?
          I tried that +2 stealth armour, stealth is still Bad, battles even worse.
          Any tips would be appreciated.
          Dump attached.


          • gangbandit
            • Nov 2024
            • 1


            I am currently stuck in a rut - cannot progress past DL 33.
            Tedious boring battles with endless T.
            Endless poisoning.
            I can take out a few of T, then need to rest. Nowhere to rest though, as no stealth.
            Every room in the dangeon monsters are after me.
            I go through CLW like there is no tomorrow.
            Nothing good drops out of monsters.
            Nothing good appears in the black market.
            Blackguard has pitiful healing.
            I tried to dive deeper, but it just get worse.
            I tried to un-dive, but even that is problematic - how do you reach the stairs through the pack of T?
            I tried that +2 stealth armour, stealth is still Bad, battles even worse.
            Any tips would be appreciated.
            Dump attached.


            • gangbandit
              • Nov 2024
              • 1

              The forum also does not work. I get 500 error, sometimes it posts, sometimes it does not.


              • gangbandit
                • Nov 2024
                • 1

                Dump attached.


                • Cryomaniac
                  • Jan 2022
                  • 285

                  Vanilla section of forums is screwed up - you constantly get errors when posting, responses don't get tracked in statistics, and attachment don't work. Other sections seem to work better.


                  • Nick
                    Vanilla maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 9353

                    Yes, I have trouble deleting stuff as moderator too.
                    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                    • gangbandit
                      • Nov 2024
                      • 1

                      Is it by design that "Leap into Battle" and "Wirlwind attack" do not add blows to the weapon, which already has 2 blows?
                      I am pretty sure my Katana with 2 blows/round at CL 30 still does 2 blows when I leap or whirlwind...


                      • ewert
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 719

                        Originally posted by gangbandit
                        Is it by design that "Leap into Battle" and "Wirlwind attack" do not add blows to the weapon, which already has 2 blows?
                        I am pretty sure my Katana with 2 blows/round at CL 30 still does 2 blows when I leap or whirlwind...
                        IIRC they have their own attack rate depending on your level, but I could be wrong about that.


                        • Selkie
                          • Aug 2020
                          • 434

                          If I took a lifetime average then it's going to be LOW. Five per cent or something awful.

                          I started playing nearly 30 years ago as a teenager. I was so bad back then - didn't even get close to meeting Morgy let alone wielding Grond. This was before forums were really popular, but I seem to remember being part of a community on AOL. I didn't really understand resistances so would get fried/frozen/melted by the first big breather I came across. In fact, I didn't even understand what free action meant so would regularly get stun-locked to death.

                          Now I'm older and wiser I reckon I can win about half the games I start. Unlike Grotug I rarely die in the early levels, most deaths come at clvl 40 and above when I get complacent (and perhaps a little bored). I have to say I enjoy the first 25 levels the most when every new bit of gear feels special and exciting.


                          • Egavactip
                            • Mar 2012
                            • 443

                            Originally posted by gangbandit
                            I am on my 11th attempt to win the game.
                            3 lossess at dl 98 cl 47. I got bored/reckless at the end of the game. Painful to lose, and I feel like failure.
                            So, what is your win/loss rato? Maybe If I compare with others, I'll feel better
                            When I first started playing, I played not to win but to learn the game, learn the tactics, etc. I would deliberately try to fight and kill all the monsters, wouldn't avoid anything. Needless to say, I died a lot, but at the time I was save-scumming, so that I could learn more quickly. By the time I decided to start playing to win, with no save-cheats or anything, I had experience and won my first several games. Since then, I've won about 260 games over roughly 10 years or so. I would generally win a majority of the times I played, if it was a rogue or a fighter type. Definitely won fewer mage games--playing that character leaves little room for error for most of the game. These days, I only play warrior characters (and paladins, once in a blue moon), because changes made to the game took away much of what I liked about rangers and rogues, so they are far less fun to play. I also did not enjoy any of the new character classes, sadly. But, in any case, it just takes experience and you'll start winning regularly (unless you are playing a mage or ranger, which is more hit or miss). If I had one bit of advice to newer players, it is this: the key to Angband is having control of your surroundings. Anything that makes you lose a degree of control--confusion, blindness, etc.--is dangerous. The more something threatens your control--paralyze, teleport-to, summoning, being able to burrow or move through walls--the more dangerous it is. Always try to maximize your control of the environment, fighting on grounds of your choosing under conditions you control, and be cautious or avoid those creatures and circumstances that threaten a large loss of control. Much of the key to winning Angband is about avoiding what you cannot control, whether that be a situation or a particular monster type/unique/combo.


                            • PowerDiver
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 2782

                              The way to undive is to start over.

                              When you find you can't survive at depth DL30, return to town and take the stairs from town. Go through the first 30 levels again. When you use ?recall, choose the reset depth option. I had to do that a couple of times in separate games when I was learning how to play a blackguard. Try to use some form of object detection on the way back down. There's no need to clear the early levels again unless you like the level feeling, but you should definitely go get clumps of objects.

                              Blackguards are a hard class at the beginning, and they have a longer "beginning" than any of the old standard classes.

