Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum.
It's been 13 years since I started playing this game, on and off. However, in spite of a long time hiatus and the many times I've removed Vanilla from my pc: I always keep coming back to this game. So it *must* be LOVE (who says the best things in life aren't free
So, a bit about my *banding experience. I started with Vanilla back when Ben Harrison reworked the code and mostly through the rr9 years. I also played quite a bit of Zangband. Note, I play on a pc with graphics (booh, hiss... at ease!) and miss the cheezy sound effects on the current build. To think my mother used to refer to V as the AAAAAaaaaaaagh!!! game (mostly when I plowed through orc/troll pits with a HTwarrior). I also played some O (*that was light years ahead of its time), Kangband and Kamband (goofy fun).
But being graphically/sound inclined, my fondest moments of these games were when Tim Baker had the Tk interface running. I miss the Bruce Campell quotes. I even added some bruce lee sound effects to spice up the monk on Z. But this is just reminiscing on days gone by. Currently I make do with the Agervais tileset and no sound on V.
That said, I have yet to produce a winner. This has been partly due to an impatient playstyle. Usually I'd go for HTTank and learned survival early but would gradually grow tired of being a walking item vault and would stop playing. Or would die YASD for being unprepared/greedy. The other was Dunedain pally whose eternal leveling process would cause me to stop playing. The greedy & patience factor can be managed but not the preparation.
That's where this forum comes in. Until reading many posts I realized I'd been doing it wrong all these years. Only now do i realize that elemental resists stack with temp resists. Or that some breaths do cap off at some point. Back then there was a newsgroup which made a difference but this site is so much easier to navigate. Plus the spoiler area is golden when I'm playing.
Anyhow, 2 months ago I fired up Vanilla again after a long hiatus. Once again I grew tired of my HT Tank (very early on i must say). Then went the opposite way for a Gnome Mage... Interesting. The very few mages I made over the years all died horrible early deaths. But somehow in this version 3.1.1 everything seems to be clicking, the ego items are more useful now and stat gain feels less painful. That, and the fact that all my deaths have taught me something throughout the years, besides patience. So, playing a neurotic squishy mage who is master of cheeziness is paying off sofar (may the RNG not hear that)! This forum has aided in keeping him alive sofar. Before that, my only real mentor was the APWborg, whose cowar... ermm.. strategic withdrawals taught me quite abit of survival. Granted, I run away less.
I have quite a few questions but this is just my longwinded intro. I'll save them for later. Suffice to say, I *still* love this game.
It's been 13 years since I started playing this game, on and off. However, in spite of a long time hiatus and the many times I've removed Vanilla from my pc: I always keep coming back to this game. So it *must* be LOVE (who says the best things in life aren't free

So, a bit about my *banding experience. I started with Vanilla back when Ben Harrison reworked the code and mostly through the rr9 years. I also played quite a bit of Zangband. Note, I play on a pc with graphics (booh, hiss... at ease!) and miss the cheezy sound effects on the current build. To think my mother used to refer to V as the AAAAAaaaaaaagh!!! game (mostly when I plowed through orc/troll pits with a HTwarrior). I also played some O (*that was light years ahead of its time), Kangband and Kamband (goofy fun).
But being graphically/sound inclined, my fondest moments of these games were when Tim Baker had the Tk interface running. I miss the Bruce Campell quotes. I even added some bruce lee sound effects to spice up the monk on Z. But this is just reminiscing on days gone by. Currently I make do with the Agervais tileset and no sound on V.
That said, I have yet to produce a winner. This has been partly due to an impatient playstyle. Usually I'd go for HTTank and learned survival early but would gradually grow tired of being a walking item vault and would stop playing. Or would die YASD for being unprepared/greedy. The other was Dunedain pally whose eternal leveling process would cause me to stop playing. The greedy & patience factor can be managed but not the preparation.
That's where this forum comes in. Until reading many posts I realized I'd been doing it wrong all these years. Only now do i realize that elemental resists stack with temp resists. Or that some breaths do cap off at some point. Back then there was a newsgroup which made a difference but this site is so much easier to navigate. Plus the spoiler area is golden when I'm playing.
Anyhow, 2 months ago I fired up Vanilla again after a long hiatus. Once again I grew tired of my HT Tank (very early on i must say). Then went the opposite way for a Gnome Mage... Interesting. The very few mages I made over the years all died horrible early deaths. But somehow in this version 3.1.1 everything seems to be clicking, the ego items are more useful now and stat gain feels less painful. That, and the fact that all my deaths have taught me something throughout the years, besides patience. So, playing a neurotic squishy mage who is master of cheeziness is paying off sofar (may the RNG not hear that)! This forum has aided in keeping him alive sofar. Before that, my only real mentor was the APWborg, whose cowar... ermm.. strategic withdrawals taught me quite abit of survival. Granted, I run away less.
I have quite a few questions but this is just my longwinded intro. I'll save them for later. Suffice to say, I *still* love this game.