What's a good class to try and win first time in V

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  • pampl
    RePosBand maintainer
    • Sep 2008
    • 211

    Originally posted by Mondkalb
    My winners so far are two Dunadan paladins, one HE ranger and one HE rogue.

    If you choose a class with good CON and high HP die, Paladins offer some advantages. They can start with three blows with a light weapon. They can kill pretty much everything on the first few levels and together with casting spells they will gain levels very fast regardless of XP penalty.

    With Dunadan it can be painful if you have trouble to find an SI item and encounter lots of moaning spirits. (I usually have that trouble, unless playing a High-Elf; in this case the RNG drowns me in SI items. )
    If you use the point method of char creation you can start a paladin with 4 blows/round Not that it's a great idea because it means your other stats suck, but it's fun to do once in a while


    • Mondkalb
      • Apr 2007
      • 891

      Originally posted by pampl
      If you use the point method of char creation you can start a paladin with 4 blows/round Not that it's a great idea because it means your other stats suck, but it's fun to do once in a while
      I did that sometimes. I is almost not worth to put too many points into Wisdom because in the beginning mana is low and failure rate high anyway.
      I chopped my way through to statgain like a lightweight warrior with an occasionally amulet of wisdom for help.
      And: A HE paladin can achieve surprisingly good stealth.
      My Angband winners so far

      My FAangband efforts so far


      • Zikke
        • Jun 2008
        • 1028

        Originally posted by Malak Darkhunter
        I've won the game several times with a dwarf priest, the middle levels are the hardest to get past. My current project is a Dwarven rogue, I'm basically playing him like a warrior but with detection spells, and teleport abilities. Is so far a good class combination as every ability is pretty high, along with high hit points and melee damage.

        Malak, are you finding that the stealth is still dreadful as a dwarf? Or does the rogue-iness outweigh that.
        A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
        A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
        C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:


        • Malak Darkhunter
          • May 2007
          • 683

          Originally posted by Zikke
          Malak, are you finding that the stealth is still dreadful as a dwarf? Or does the rogue-iness outweigh that.
          It is actually pretty good for a dwarf, found the soft leather armor (Hithlomir) that increased stealth, and am able to sneak past most anything, done a lot of diving that way just picking the battles I want to fight and sneaking past the other more powerful foes. Detect treasure is loads of fun combined with stealth, I spend levels just treasure hunting sometimes. I made a bad mistake of meeleing a nexus hound in wich he switched my intelligence with my wisdom, bad not much i can do about it now, currently on level 35. As far as stealth goes his ability is superb for a 28th level rogue.


          • Rizwan
            • Jun 2007
            • 280

            Originally posted by Jude
            Sounds interesting. I've always played as the "tried to kill everything" variety up till now.
            Yeah thats how I play too but then I have not won playing on and off for the past 10-15 years.
            BTW how did you come to choose that particular picture for your profile pic?


            • Kav
              • Jun 2007
              • 39

              Originally posted by rizwan
              yeah thats how i play too but then i have not won playing on and off for the past 10-15 years.
              Yeah, you and me both. In the last year or two started mage diveing though. It's like a whole different game. You should try it, or perhaps a rogue. I love being down around lvl40 at clvl25


              • Jude
                • Nov 2007
                • 112

                Originally posted by Rizwan
                Yeah thats how I play too but then I have not won playing on and off for the past 10-15 years.
                BTW how did you come to choose that particular picture for your profile pic?
                Yeah I've got to work on using my detection spells constantly and watching out for monsters instead of just cruising around and getting surprised.

                My avatar is the Shahada, which is the Islamic confession of faith. I just googled for "arabic calligraphy" because I've studied Arabic and I really like the art and calligraphy.


                • Rizwan
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 280

                  Originally posted by Jude
                  My avatar is the Shahada, which is the Islamic confession of faith. I just googled for "arabic calligraphy" because I've studied Arabic and I really like the art and calligraphy.
                  Yeah I know. I am a Muslim. It was just weird seeing it as an avatar of an (apparently) non-Muslim

