I had a thought about something like a create projectiles spell that would target a stack of 20 or less projectiles and duplicate them on success or destroy them on failure. Not sure if something like that could be done in such a way that it isn't horribly overpowered where you stand in town and fill your house with bolts of death or whatever. Maybe have the spell success based on your dungeon level vs the level of the projectile - so if you find a high level projectile all you could do with it in town is destroy it... Success rate - I dunno, 50/50 seems flippy - better seems overpowered and lower seems pointless so bad idea?
Maybe a silly idea - new to rangers and not wanting to make them overpowered but some sort of spell like this would make sense imho. If I could think of how to not make it too overpowered I might mess with coding it. Thoughts?
Maybe a silly idea - new to rangers and not wanting to make them overpowered but some sort of spell like this would make sense imho. If I could think of how to not make it too overpowered I might mess with coding it. Thoughts?