Multiple attacks and weapon weight?

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  • Dark
    • Apr 2009
    • 70

    Multiple attacks and weapon weight?


    appologies for another n00b question, but I'm stil trying to get past level 10 (well actually, I only got to level ten once in Daajangband and got creamed).

    I gather that it's better to wield a smaller weapon and thus get multiple attacks, but either playing a paladin or warrior with strength and dex of 18 pluss, I stil never seem to be able to have multiple attacks.

    I admit, i've been concentrating on Daajangband, A, because I enjoy the extra monster descriptions combined with the plane dungeoning, and B, because frankly I like playing as a Maia with uba stats, ---- and probably will continue to do so until I stop dying quite as much.

    Has anyone got any advice?
  • Marble Dice
    • Jun 2008
    • 412

    The definitive reference is the attack spoiler file, available online at The file is only slightly out of date, as rogues now have a weapon speed modifier of 0.4, instead of 0.3 (that's better).

    The process is somewhat complicated, but basically your number of attacks is determined by 4 things: class, str, dex, and weapon weight. Every class has a coefficient (two, actually) which determines how easily they get extra blows, and every class has a maximum number of blows. Warriors can get 6, mages and priests can get 4, all others can get 5.

    For warriors and paladins, start with 18/40 STR and 18/10 DEX, and you'll get 4 blows with a whip (1d3), dagger (1d4), or main gauche (1d5). Rogues and rangers can get 3 blows with the above weapons by starting with 18/10 DEX and 18/20 STR (for rogues) or 18/30 STR (for rangers).

    Enchant your main gauche until you get +9 damage, and warriors/paladins will do up to 48 damage per round.


    • Dark
      • Apr 2009
      • 70

      thanks. I've been trying not to read spoilers about what's actually down in the dungeon monster and item wise (especially with the extra descriptions in Daajanband), but knowing the mechanics does help a lot more.

      You talking about a character starting with 18/40 strenghth though and 18/10 dex sounds as if the autoroller is more abuseable than I thought.

      Even playing a Maia in Daajangband, I've got a strenght of 18/30 and a plane dex of 18, ----- or would have if it weren't for an accursed sling I haven't got rid of yet, ---- lol!


      • PowerDiver
        • Mar 2008
        • 2782

        Originally posted by Dark
        You talking about a character starting with 18/40 strenghth though and 18/10 dex sounds as if the autoroller is more abuseable than I thought. !
        You can easily get base 17 in two stats and base 16 in another. If you are willing possibly to have to restart the game once or twice, you can get base 17 in 3 stats with the autoroller.


        • Dark
          • Apr 2009
          • 70

          Ah thanks, I'll remember that next time I roll up a character, ---- though given the Maia stat bonuses that would make a character fairly unstopable, ---- I hope. Things are improving though, --- sinse now I start out with two attacks of the short sword, and I know which potions to look for.

          I'm also concentrating more on racking up cash, ganing levels and grabbing as much loot as possible rather than getting down as many levels as I can. This does make things rather slow, ---- sinse I'm already lvl 7 and haven't passed 150 feet yet, but at least when I do go down there I'll hopefully have better stats, equipment etc.


          • Zikke
            • Jun 2008
            • 1028

            There's nothing wrong with Munchkin'ing if you haven't won yet.

            A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
            A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
            C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:


            • PowerDiver
              • Mar 2008
              • 2782

              Originally posted by Dark
              Ah thanks, I'll remember that next time I roll up a character, ---- though given the Maia stat bonuses that would make a character fairly unstopable
              If you are playing DaJ, that includes some of my code, including point-based that is equivalent to the autoroller. You might as well use point-based. And you won't be remotely unstoppable.

              I'm also concentrating more on racking up cash, ganing levels and grabbing as much loot as possible rather than getting down as many levels as I can. This does make things rather slow, ---- sinse I'm already lvl 7 and haven't passed 150 feet yet, but at least when I do go down there I'll hopefully have better stats, equipment etc.
              More cash, better stuff, more exp, more fun the deeper you go.


              • Dark
                • Apr 2009
                • 70

                I just assumed from reading the standard docs that point based would yield less good (but more balanced), stats than auto rolling, but I admit I haven't checked this and could well be wrong, ---- especially if yourself and others have been doing interesting things with the code.

                I'm hoping my current character will live at least a litle longer, ----- but I'll remember just in case, ---- ;D.

