3.1(beta) TME

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  • PowerDiver
    • Mar 2008
    • 2782

    3.1(beta) TME

    I think 3.1 may still have the TMJ problem, defined as enough useless items
    that squelch is necessary. However, it appears to have a new problem --
    Too Many Egos.

    There are a lot of changes, and they have impacted my playstyle, so I cannot
    be accurate about the extent of the problem. Detection spells are now on the
    order of a 100x50 rectangle [roughly 4 times the detection area of a standard
    terminal], and that means I can use detect objects all of the time. Now that
    objects are better, that makes it worth going out of my way to get more of
    them. I spent a significant amount of time wearing two teleportation rings
    for a combined +4 speed, which I'd guess breaks even for diving purposes
    traveling further while faster. That meant I covered more area and got more
    stuff. Pseudo is much faster, and fewer items to pseudo as well, so that has
    meant no wasting any time at all for pseudo using not too many inventory
    slots, for faster diving.

    I'm down to 3000' at 217K turns. My goal at that turncount is 4350', and even
    behind schedule I'd ususally be at 3800'. I am definitely diving slower this
    game. In addition, I am covering more area, and with the speed boost I was
    able to kill more, so perhaps it would be reasonable for me to have
    accumulated twice as much useful stuff as usual at this depth.

    Ever since I hit 2500', it has seemed crazy. I would guess that about half of
    the weapons and armor are excellent. I am squelching good stuff, so maybe
    from a TMJ viewpoint they should all be egos. However, the weapon and armor
    drops are not nearly smaller enough to make up for the increase, so it seems
    ridiculously excessive.

    On my last trip, I picked up a lothlorien shortbow, elven cloak of the magi,
    crown of might(+3), *slay evil* weapon with ESP, and some useless things like
    *slay orc* or blessed or *slay evil* with uninteresting powers that I tossed.
    That's not from some greater vault, just a normal 10K turn dive from 2700' to
    3000'. Oh - probably also some gloves and/or boots of FA that would have
    thrilled me to no end in a 3.0.9 game at this depth, but are so commonplace in
    the stores this game that I can't even remember for sure.

    There have been reports of not enough stat potions, but I saw plenty. I sold
    my first one, didn't bother to get the second [that was guarded], because of
    course both were !wisdom and I was playing a rogue. In addition, I picked up
    5 useful stat potions and also !augmentation. I am doing far better than
    usual for this depth, and maybe close to average stat boosts for the turncount.
    [I don't count !charisma as a stat potion in the above paragraph.]

    Gold drops have lessened, egos are way up, and there are useful egos in the
    shops -- free action, resistance, launchers of might, gondolin weapons, and
    presumably more that do not come to mind at the moment. This increased the
    shopping aspects a whole lot in the early game, before things went completely
    crazy at 2500'. I cannot be 100% sure about this, since I usually play my
    patch with no selling, but this game was felt like shopping was an order of
    magnitude worse than the two games I played of comp 62, V309 starting with
  • NeoWizard
    • Dec 2008
    • 101

    I noticed the same thing too, starting at about DL20, I've had almost every drop being {excellent} to the point I'm starting to think about squelching everything except for Artifact.
    Last edited by NeoWizard; January 17, 2009, 09:26. Reason: typo
    -. . --- .-- .. --.. .- .-. -..

    aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. fi yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in yuor siantugre. Olny 55% of plepoe can. mtat


    • TJS
      • May 2008
      • 460

      Yes I think I agree that there seem to be slightly too many excellent items lying about all over the place.

      Also perhaps another reason that they become junk is that once you have a good artefact item, then the egos in general are not as good and therefore pretty useless. And the ones that are useful aren't good enough to justify the time and effort in identifying all the rubbish ones first.

      Is there an argument for having randomly generated egos that increase in value the deeper you find them?

      ie they get more bonuses applied to them from a possible list such as:

      Increased damage dice (eg. 8d4 for a dagger rather than 1d4)
      Larger enchantments (up to +20, +20)
      Each of the slays and brands (and you can get more than one on the same item - eg. a glaive for acid and slay evil)
      Stat bonus
      Multiple sustains
      Increased AC

      So the weapons don't get the special properties that artefacts do so much (such as see invisible, resist element or the activations), but they can do a lot of damage.

