What's the cheesiest race/class combo?

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  • Selkie
    • Aug 2020
    • 434

    What's the cheesiest race/class combo?

    I'm currently playing a dwarf priest and life feels cheesy. Boost your Wisdom stats in the dlvl20-30s and you're literally orbing everything to death at will. The huge ball splash damage from clvl30 means taking out mobs is easy and you can abuse LoS. If you get into trouble the healing spells reset a fight.

    I also find HE mages a bit cheesy. I think the HE gets too good INT stats from birth. I really feel the gnome (which is a harder class to play because of weakness and low CON) should have better starting INT bonuses than the HE. HE mages, especially beyond clvl40, become super cheesy.

    I suppose an honourable mention would be the HT Warrior.

    For me the definition of a cheesy race/class is one that can rely on the same old, same old tactics to rapidly advance. For example, when I play necromancer then I'm using a much greater width of spells to survive and the tactical play is much more intense.
  • Estie
    • Apr 2008
    • 2281

    HE are the best at everything. Thats in line with Tolkien lore.

    Speaking as someone who likes cheese:

    I agree with priests midgame being the best cheese. Over the course of a whole game, I dont see any class standing out.

    You can play, say, a druid in a similar way to the priest by spamming poison cloud. Obviously it is far less effective, but you can just avoid unfavorable encounters. Everyone can pick up a good sling and become a cheesy archer for a while.

    The amount of effort invested in a specific situation should be proportional to the expected gains. When it is time to tackle the vault, all cheese stops and the game slows down because all the tactical options get utilized.

    Finally, all cheese melts when competition turns on the heat. When you have time or turn constraints, spamming away in abandon is not good for your chances of success.


    • ewert
      • Jul 2009
      • 719

      Depends on what is your stumbling block I guess. Dunadain arguably better race than high-elf for some classes.

      If you wanna absolutely kill everything always, I would say paladin. Tunnel a LoS nook, !mana are so plentiful that after you have healing at 5% fail and disenchant resist, that is all you need. There is also single combat but have to say have not tried that yet (currently doing blackguard).

      While mages, priests and rogues arguably can do some things that make game cheesier much better than paladin, if your goal is to also kill everything, paladin gets my vote. And dunedain at that.


      • Estie
        • Apr 2008
        • 2281

        Paladin gets there very late. Its a long road of being a bad warrior before that.
        Also, priest dominant phase is much more elegant.

        After statgain, Dunadan and HE are almost the same - see invis is a non-issue (you have ESP) and stats are all maxed anyway. There is stealth and device skill that favors HE, relevant at different stages.

        So is Dunadan or HE a better Paladin ? I still favour HE, but its close either way. In any case, this is the only point where HE has competition.


        • ewert
          • Jul 2009
          • 719

          It is pretty much all about the class on whether dunadan or HE is arguably better, and even then it is just that, arguably.

          A paladin can boost any megadamage weapon to effect a huge amount of enemies, that is why I said if you prefer to actually kill everything I feel paladin is the best end cheese.

          But not everyone does. And stumbling blocks referred to what part of the game you struggle with.

          Again, all classes have their things, for example at one point my biggest cheese of the chacarcter was having a randart plus movespeed/speed boots and eagle form giving me was it like 5 movespeed, moving at insane travel speeds so not a lot happened in the dungeon while I moved and explored.

