TELE_TO doesn't work if there are objects around the monster. I don't see why there should be such restriction in that case...
The evil eye commands you to return... or not
The evil eye commands you to return... or not
PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Tags: None -
One reason may be that teleporting onto items can trigger autopickup. It looks like that wouldn't cost the player a turn in Vanilla (teleport to cast by a monster on the player happens outside the player's turn; that triggers the autopickup; the energy use for the autopickup gets discarded when process_player() is called) - so no extra danger to the player but a free pickup if one is worried about that sort of thing. -
Actually it's exploit which gives possibility to cheeze a lot. Description: - Angband multiplayer variant - Angband variants table - my website ⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽⍽ — streams in English ⍽ — streams in RussianComment
Yes, it's exploitable. I was trying to think of (or get others to do the thinking for me) the rationale for why teleport destinations are currently restricted to floors with no objects or creatures. Knowing that would help in choosing what the restrictions on the destinations should be (if the presence of objects is okay, what about allowing other passable terrain other than floors).
So far, the possible reasons for excluding grids with objects that I can come up with are:
- perhaps something related to autopickup
- landing on an untouched artifact which would make it possible to lose that artifact, possibly before the player can do something to pick it up