advice on dwarf priest

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  • mibert
    • Mar 2016
    • 57

    advice on dwarf priest

    Hi all,

    the only *band I've ever really played is Sil.
    This is my first char above clvl 20 in vanilla. I'm finally getting the whole cautious exploration thing of angband; that took my quite a few attempts over the years

    I have a few questions, cause given the game changed quite a bit most available info feels outdated:
    - general advice on my char would be great. I'm currently trying to find stat potions, not sure what depth is most promising for that.
    - are blunt weapons for priests still a thing? If so, what does that do?
    - how do you deal with the risk of books being destroyed?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

      [Angband 4.2.2-90-gc383db82 Character Dump]
     Name   J            Age             41          Self  RB  CB  EB   Best
     Race   Dwarf        Height       3'11"   STR:  18/54  +2  -1  +4 18/104
     Class  Priest       Weight    10st 1lb   INT:      8  -3  -3  +0      3
     Title  Elder        Turns used:          WIS:     17  +2  +3  +0  18/40
     HP     395/395      Game       1465077   DEX:     10  -2  -1  +2      9
     SP     52/52        Standard    144951   CON:     17  +2  +1  +6  18/80
                         Resting      24873
     Level                 33    Armor      [67,+77]    Saving Throw     83%
     Cur Exp           252351                           Stealth         Fair
     Max Exp           252351    Melee       1d3,+17    Disarm - phys.   60%
     Adv Exp           330000    To-hit       42,+10    Disarm - magic   59%
                                 Blows      2.9/turn    Magic Devices     72
     Gold              167493                           Searching        78%
     Burden          160.8 lb    Shoot to-dam    +22    Infravision    90 ft
     Overweight      -19.1 lb    To-hit       33,+13    Speed       2 (1.2x)
     Max Depth    1850' (L37)    Shots      1.0/turn
     You are the only child of a Dwarven Thief.  You are a credit to the
     family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a two foot
     beard, and a dark complexion.
    Resistances         Abilities
     Acid:........+.... pFear:.............
     Elec:..+.....+.+.. pBlnd:.........+..+
     Fire:........+.... pConf:.............
     Cold:........+.... pStun:.............
     Pois:............. HLife:.............
    Light:..........+.. Regen:.............
     Dark:.............   ESP:....+........
    Sound:............. S.Inv:+........+...
    Shard:............. FrAct:+.....+......
    Nexus:.......+..... Feath:.............
    Nethr:............. S.Dig:.............
    Chaos:............. TrpIm:.............
    Disen:............. Bless:.............
    Hindrances          Modifiers
    ImpHP:............. Stea.:.......+.....
    ImpSP:............. Sear.:.........+...
     Fear:............. Infra:......+.....+
    Aggrv:............. Tunn.:............+
    NoTel:............. Speed:.......+.....
    DrExp:............. Blows:.............
    Stick:............. Shots:.............
    Fragl:............. Might:.............
      [Character Equipment]
    a) a Whip of Westernesse (1d3) (+7,+11) <+2>
         Found lying on the floor of a special room at 800 feet (level 16)
         +2 strength.
         +2 dexterity.
         +2 constitution.
         Slays giants, trolls, orcs.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  Prevents paralysis.  
         Combat info:
         2.9 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
         With +0 STR and +1 DEX you would get 3.3 blows
         Average damage/round: 71.4 vs giants, trolls, and orcs, and 58.8
         vs. others.
    b) a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+10,+22)
         Found lying on the floor at 1250 feet (level 25)
    c) an Azurite Ring of Lightning [+12]
         Found lying on the floor of a special room at 1100 feet (level 22)
         Provides resistance to Lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    d) a Fluorite Ring of Constitution <+2>
         Found lying on the floor at 1300 feet (level 26)
         +2 constitution.
         Sustains constitution.
    e) a Flint Stone Amulet of ESP
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1000 feet (level 20)
         Grants telepathy.  
    f) a Lantern (Everburning)
         Dropped by a rogue at 1150 feet (level 23)
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         Intensity 3 light.  No fuel required.
    g) Bar Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [45,+12] <+2, +4>
         Found lying on the floor at 1550 feet (level 31)
         +2 strength.
         +2 constitution.
         +4 infravision.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Prevents paralysis.  
    h) the Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] <+2>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1800 feet (level 36)
         +2 stealth.
         +2 speed.
         Provides resistance to Nexus.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         When activated, it teleports you randomly about 60 per cent of the
         largest distance you could go.
         Takes 54 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.4%
    i) a Wicker Shield of Resistance [2,+13]
         Dropped by an ironfist priest at 900 feet (level 18)
         Provides resistance to Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
    j) a Steel Helm of Seeing [9,+10] <+4>
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1800 feet (level 36)
         +4 searching skill.
         Provides protection from blindness.
         Grants the ability to see invisible things.  
    k) the Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [3,+14] <+1>
         Dropped by Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang at 1300 feet (level 26)
         +1 light.
         Provides resistance to Lightning, Light.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         When activated, it casts a beam of lightning dealing 6d6 damage,
         which your device skill increases by 35% for an average of 28.3
         Takes 8 to 14 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
    l) a Pair of Steel Shod Boots [7,+1]
         Dropped by a ranger at 1100 feet (level 22)
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
      [Character Inventory]
    a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Novice's Handbook] {!d,!g}
         You can read this book.
    b) a Holy Book of Prayers [Cleansing Power] {!d,!g}
         You can read this book.
    c) a Holy Book of Prayers [Healing and Sanctuary] {!d,!g}
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         You can read this book.
    d) a Holy Book of Prayers [Battle Blessings] {!d,!g}
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         You can read this book.
    e) a Holy Book of Prayers [Wrath of the Valar] {!d.!g}
         Cannot be harmed by Fire.
         You can read this book.
    f) 28 Purple Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
    g) 2 Magenta Potions of Healing
    h) 17 Light Blue Potions of Neutralize Poison
    i) 3 Brown Potions of Restore Mana
    j) 2 Pungent Potions of Enlightenment
    k) 2 Vespertine Potions of Speed
    l) 38 Scrolls titled "imitatus inse" of Phase Door
    m) 6 Scrolls titled "ma molo qui" of Teleportation
    n) 9 Scrolls titled "ius fabicesi" of Remove Hunger
    o) a White Gold Rod of Treasure Location
    p) a Zirconium Rod of Magic Mapping
    q) a Silver Rod of Recall
         Cannot be harmed by Lightning.
    r) a Cottonwood Staff of Curing (5 charges)
    s) 4 Mistletoe Staves of Teleportation (33 charges)
      [Character Quiver]
    0) 15 Arrows of Wounding (1d4) (+8,+9)
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 102.5.
         35% chance of breaking upon contact.
    1) 30 Arrows of Lightning (1d4) (+12,+5)
         Branded with lightning.
         Combat info:
         When fired, hits targets up to 120 feet away.
         Average damage/round: 180.5 vs creatures not resistant to
         lightning and 90.2 vs. others.
         35% chance of breaking upon contact.
      [Home Inventory]
    a) 3 Scrolls titled "lae fredo lem" of Enchant Weapon To-Hit
    b) 6 Scrolls titled "quis copse do" of Enchant Weapon To-Dam
    c) 16 Scrolls titled "ius fabicesi" of Remove Hunger
    d) a White Gold Rod of Treasure Location
    e) an Aluminium Rod of Curing
    f) a Tungsten Wand of Lightning Bolts (6 charges)
    g) an Alexandrite Ring of Resist Fire and Cold
         Found lying on the floor at 800 feet (level 16)
         Provides resistance to Fire, Cold.
    h) an Onyx Ring of Acid [+8]
         Found lying on the floor at 1050 feet (level 21)
         Provides resistance to Acid.
    i) an Emerald Ring of Ice [+15]
         Found lying on the floor at 1450 feet (level 29)
         Provides resistance to Cold.
    j) an Adamantite Ring of Protection [+10]
         Found lying on the floor at 500 feet (level 10)
    k) a Diamond Ring of Free Action
         Prevents paralysis.  
    l) Black Dragon Scale Mail of Craftsmanship [16,+22]
         Found lying on the floor in a vault at 1200 feet (level 24)
         Provides resistance to Acid.
    m) a Small Metal Shield of Resist Cold [5,+2]
         Bought from a store
         Provides resistance to Cold.
    n) a Hard Leather Cap of Telepathy [2,+6]
         Dropped by a scruffy looking hobbit at 1800 feet (level 36)
         Grants telepathy.  
    o) the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' (+3,+3) [3,+14]
         Dropped by Sangahyando of Umbar at 1100 feet (level 22)
         Provides resistance to Acid.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Feather Falling.  
         When activated, it casts a bolt of acid dealing 5d8 damage, which
         your device skill increases by 35% for an average of 29.7 damage.
         Takes 7 to 12 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
    p) the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [3,+12]
         Dropped by Bullroarer the Hobbit at 850 feet (level 17)
         Provides resistance to Fire.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Speeds regeneration.  
         When activated, it casts a bolt of fire dealing 9d8 damage, which
         your device skill increases by 35% for an average of 54.0 damage.
         Takes 10 to 19 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
    q) the Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+14,+13)
         Dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief at 850 feet (level 17)
         Slays trolls, orcs.
         Branded with poison.
         Provides resistance to Poison, Disenchantment.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         When activated, it fires a ball of poison gas with radius 3,
         dealing 12 damage at the centre, which your device skill increases
         by 33% for an average of 15.9 damage.
         Takes 6 to 9 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.4%
         Combat info:
         2.7 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 97.7 vs trolls, orcs, and creatures not
         resistant to poison, and 67.8 vs. others.
         Average thrown damage: 165.2 vs trolls, orcs, and creatures not
         resistant to poison, and 55 vs. others.
    r) the Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10]
         Dropped by Mughash the Kobold Lord at 350 feet (level 7)
         Branded with fire.
         Provides resistance to Fire.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         When activated, it casts a bolt of fire dealing 9d8 damage, which
         your device skill increases by 35% for an average of 54.0 damage.
         Takes 10 to 19 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
         Combat info:
         2.7 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 72 vs creatures not resistant to fire and 57
         vs. others.
         Average thrown damage: 133.1 vs creatures not resistant to fire
         and 44.3 vs. others.
    s) the Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10]
         Dropped by a ranger at 1000 feet (level 20)
         Branded with cold.
         Provides resistance to Cold.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         When activated, it casts a bolt or beam of cold dealing 6d8
         damage, which your device skill increases by 35% for an average of
         36.4 damage.
         Takes 9 to 18 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
         Combat info:
         2.7 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 72 vs creatures not resistant to cold and 57
         vs. others.
         Average thrown damage: 133.1 vs creatures not resistant to cold
         and 44.3 vs. others.
    t) the Dagger 'Dethanc' (1d4) (+9,+12) [+10]
         Found lying on the floor at 250 feet (level 5)
         Branded with lightning.
         Provides resistance to Lightning.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         When activated, it casts a beam of lightning dealing 6d6 damage,
         which your device skill increases by 35% for an average of 28.3
         Takes 8 to 14 turns to recharge at your current speed.
         Your chance of success is 95.8%
         Combat info:
         2.7 blows/round.
         With +1 STR and +0 DEX you would get 2.8 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 3.0 blows
         Average damage/round: 72 vs creatures not resistant to lightning
         and 57 vs. others.
         Average thrown damage: 133.1 vs creatures not resistant to
         lightning and 44.3 vs. others.
    u) the Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (2d5) (+10,+15) <+1>
         Dropped by Khîm, Son of Mîm at 1100 feet (level 22)
         +1 searching skill.
         +1 light.
         Slays dragons, orcs, evil creatures.
         Branded with cold.
         Provides resistance to Cold, Dark.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Slows your metabolism.  Blessed by the gods (combat bonuses for
         holy casters).  
         Combat info:
         1.0 blows/round.
         With +5 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         Average damage/round: 46.4 vs dragons, orcs, and creatures not
         resistant to cold, 39.2 vs evil creatures, and 32.2 vs. others.
    v) the Zweihander 'Gurthang' (3d6) (+13,+17) <+2>
         Conjured forth by magic at 1800 feet (level 36)
         +2 strength.
         Slays dragons (powerfully).
         Branded with poison, fire.
         Provides resistance to Fire, Poison.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid.
         Slows your metabolism.  Speeds regeneration.  Prevents paralysis. 
         Combat info:
         1.0 blow/round.
         With +2 STR and +0 DEX you would attack a bit faster
         With +8 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would attack a bit faster
         With +2 STR and +3 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         With +0 STR and +10 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         Average damage/round: 85.5 vs dragons, 61.5 vs creatures not
         resistant to poison and creatures not resistant to fire, and 37.6
         vs. others.
    w) the Pike 'Til-i-arc' (1d15) (+10,+12) [+10] <+3, +2>
         Dropped by Mîm, Betrayer of Turin at 1100 feet (level 22)
         +3 strength.
         +3 intelligence.
         +2 speed.
         Slays demons, giants, trolls.
         Branded with cold, fire.
         Provides resistance to Fire, Cold.
         Cannot be harmed by Acid, Fire.
         Sustains intelligence.
         Slows your metabolism.  
         Combat info:
         1.0 blows/round.
         With +3 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         With +0 STR and +3 DEX you would get 1.1 blows
         Average damage/round: 49.8 vs demons, giants, trolls, creatures
         not resistant to cold, and creatures not resistant to fire, and 31
         vs. others.
    [Player history]
          Turn   Depth  Note
             0      0'  Began the quest to destroy Morgoth.
           122     50'  Reached level 2
          1014    100'  Reached level 3
          1479    100'  Reached level 4
          2112    100'  Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's Dog
          2112    100'  Reached level 5
          2798    150'  Reached level 6
          3061    150'  Reached level 7
          3958    200'  Reached level 8
          4781    200'  Reached level 9
          6675    250'  Reached level 10
          6908    500'  Reached level 11
          6940    500'  Reached level 12
          7632      0'  Reached level 13
         11726    350'  Reached level 14
         11731    350'  Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord
         11797    350'  Found the Dagger 'Narthanc'
         13424    450'  Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's Dog
         13472    450'  Reached level 15
         15061    550'  Killed Lagduf, the Snaga
         15123    550'  Reached level 16
         16384    550'  Reached level 17
         17756    800'  Reached level 18
         17910    800'  Killed Sméagol
         18424    800'  Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor
         18596    800'  Reached level 19
         19980    850'  Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain
         19996    850'  Reached level 20
         20534    850'  Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit
         20535    850'  Reached level 21
         20537    850'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach'
         20618    850'  Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief
         20635    850'  Found the Dagger of Rilia
         20646    850'  Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc
         21813   1100'  Reached level 22
         22977   1150'  Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang
         22977   1150'  Reached level 23
         23182   1150'  Reached level 23
         23296   1150'  Killed Brodda, the Easterling
         24652   1200'  Reached level 24
         29670    250'  Found the Dagger 'Dethanc'
         32006    400'  Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman
         32006    400'  Reached level 25
         33939    500'  Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol
         44943    900'  Reached level 26
         46866    950'  Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain
         47592   1000'  Found the Dagger 'Nimthanc'
         47890   1000'  Killed Bolg, Son of Azog
         49387   1050'  Killed Nár, the Dwarf
         50779   1100'  Reached level 27
         51078   1100'  Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks
         51676   1100'  Killed Sangahyando of Umbar
         51737   1100'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen'
         51738   1100'  Killed Angamaitë of Umbar
         51740   1100'  Found the Morning Star 'Firestar' (LOST)
         52865   1100'  Killed Uglúk, the Uruk
         52884   1100'  Killed Lugdush, the Uruk
         58469   1250'  Reached level 28
         59331   1250'  Reached level 28
         61287   1550'  Killed Uldor the Accursed
         64343   1750'  Reached level 29
         80919   1100'  Found the Long Sword 'Elvagil' (LOST)
         81649   1100'  Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm
         81836   1100'  Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm
         81837   1100'  Found the Broad Sword 'Orcrist'
         82015   1100'  Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin
         82113   1100'  Found the Pike 'Til-i-arc'
         85602   1300'  Killed Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang
         85604   1300'  Found the Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen'
         87071   1300'  Killed Old Man Willow
         88551   1350'  Reached level 30
        110664   1200'  Reached level 31
        111828   1300'  Killed Azog, Enemy of the Dwarves
        122171   1550'  Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer
        131205   1800'  Reached level 32
        131835   1800'  Reached level 32
        135548   1800'  Found the Zweihander 'Gurthang'
        137049   1800'  Found the Cloak 'Colannon'
        143047   1800'  Reached level 33
        144260   1850'  Reached level 33
      [User interface]
    Use the roguelike command keyset             : no  (rogue_like_commands)
    Use sound                                    : no  (use_sound)
    Show damage player deals to monsters         : yes (show_damage)
    Use old target by default                    : no  (use_old_target)
    Always pickup items                          : no  (pickup_always)
    Always pickup items matching inventory       : yes (pickup_inven)
    Show flavors in object descriptions          : yes (show_flavors)
    Highlight target with cursor                 : yes (show_target)
    Highlight player with cursor between turns   : no  (highlight_player)
    Disturb whenever viewable monster moves      : yes (disturb_near)
    Show walls as solid blocks                   : no  (solid_walls)
    Show walls with shaded background            : no  (hybrid_walls)
    Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow       : yes (view_yellow_light)
    Color: Shimmer multi-colored things          : yes (animate_flicker)
    Center map continuously                      : yes (center_player)
    Color: Show unique monsters in purple        : no  (purple_uniques)
    Automatically clear '-more-' prompts         : no  (auto_more)
    Color: Player color indicates % hit points   : yes (hp_changes_color)
    Allow mouse clicks to move the player        : yes (mouse_movement)
    Notify on object recharge                    : no  (notify_recharge)
    Show effective speed as multiplier           : no  (effective_speed)
    Generate a new, random artifact set          : no  (birth_randarts)
    Generate connected stairs                    : yes (birth_connect_stairs)
    Force player descent (never make up stairs)  : no  (birth_force_descend)
    Word of Recall has no effect                 : no  (birth_no_recall)
    Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
    Stack objects on the floor                   : yes (birth_stacking)
    Lose artifacts when leaving level            : no  (birth_lose_arts)
    Show level feelings                          : yes (birth_feelings)
    Increase gold drops but disable selling      : yes (birth_no_selling)
    Start with a kit of useful gear              : yes (birth_start_kit)
    Monsters learn from their mistakes           : yes (birth_ai_learn)
    Know all runes on birth                      : no  (birth_know_runes)
    Know all flavors on birth                    : no  (birth_know_flavors)
    Persistent levels (experimental)             : no  (birth_levels_persist)
    To-damage is a percentage of dice (experimental): no  (birth_percent_damage)
    Last edited by mibert; June 12, 2021, 09:15.
  • judias
    • Jun 2019
    • 10

    First you need more wisdom, I would use the cap of telepathy and this way you can use the amulet slot for amulet of wisdom. You are already at stat potions depth and they should appear slowly. I would descend carefully until dlvl 50 where very good artifacts begin to show, there you can stay a while searching for good equipment, in the way some kind of rpoison would appear


    • Selkie
      • Aug 2020
      • 434

      Blunt weapons aren't a thing any more but there are weapons infused with holy might that give class specific combat bonuses.

      To deal with books getting burnt you either need to avoid fire breathers, carry stacks of the two town books (the dungeon books won't burn but can be stolen), or finally find an artifact with fire immunity - which isn't hard if you're playing randarts (which I can see you're not)


      • MattB
        • Mar 2013
        • 1168

        What actually are the class specific bonuses for a blessed weapon?


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          +5 damage, +5 accuracy IIRC. But you can figure it out from the character page.


          • Estie
            • Apr 2008
            • 2281

            Poison resistance becomes increasingly important the deeper you go. I would wield that dagger of Rilia.

            Are you killing everything with orb of draining ?
            My habit is to make 2 keymaps, F1 targets the nearest monster and casts orb, F2 just casts orb (on current target). You can lay waste to rooms full of monsters with few clicks that way. Use archery when mana runs out. Later on (with 4 blows and a good weapon), melee becomes the best offense.


            • ewert
              • Jul 2009
              • 719

              Regarding stat gain:

              There are sort of three options

              Lvl 30 and 31, farm these levels
              Generally, as a full spellcaster, you should use 2-3 stat swap potions of your casting stat to get it to early/mid 18/xx's
              Then save all stat swap potions
              For your situation after you did that WIS jump, do the same with CON as long as you don't let WIS or STR drop below 18/10
              When your str/wis/con are in the 18/xx's, you can use up all your stat swap potions for dex or even both dex/int if you are completionist about it, AS LONG as you have str/wis/con swap potions left to give them that big jump any time they drop below 18/11 (or below 18/20 if you need it for something like WIS failure% cutoff points).

              This will let you quickly get everything to 18/xx's, you can even get everything to 18/30+ same way quickly if you want. After that is done, squelch swap potions.

              Then you can keep doing this at 30/31, however, 40/41 is MUCH quicker as Augmentation potions appear. It is also much riskier for a weak character.

              The less safe way:
              Do same thing but dive to 40/41
              You really should have rPoison, and be paranoid don't fight big R's anymore
              Your HP is okayish for this, but an early lucky speed item is when this is much safer

              The who cares way:
              They will eventually get up if you just keep going ...


              • ewert
                • Jul 2009
                • 719

                There are my rough cutoff points for when to advance past certain DLVLs:

                10: I want a decent shooter and am working on my 4 base + FA/SI, depening on how awesome my shooter/melee weapon is
                20: FA/SI and base4
                30: important stats 18/xx's to get more HP/SP/hits
                40: if really no lucky finds, preferably rPoison and above
                60: speed items in the latest minimum base +10, should have a fair combo of high resists by now

                Going past 60 is much more fluid. Everything depends on so much. Some crucial ones are high speed, blind/confusion (for all, 0% fail always usable scrolls are lifesaving). Your main killing method should already be a good one whatever it is, maybe not bonkers but a basic good around 500/rnd melee, x4-5 or extra shots x3-4 good shooter, casting stat 18/200, et cetera.


                • MattB
                  • Mar 2013
                  • 1168

                  Originally posted by Pete Mack
                  +5 damage, +5 accuracy IIRC. But you can figure it out from the character page.
                  Thanks Pete.
                  +5 Damage is more significant than I expected.

