(Shamelessly ripped of from WH40K. Obviously.)
The idea of the Pariah is simple: they're someone who magic doesn't like. They start with Antimagic at 1.000, and get a decent (maybe 0.800 or 0.900?) modifer to it. They cannot learn anything magical, and (obviously) cannot be mages or priests. They don't get any other unusual attributes, except maybe a boost to Saving Throw or somesuch.
Why is this cool?
Because this way, you can have an antimagic archer without kludging it up with a Dark Sword of Nothingness or whatever... Or, if you want, a ninj... er, antimagic rogue. Which would be seriously cool.
Also, because it would be nice to replace the Hermit subrace with something exactly the opposite. Really, when did anyone last play a hermit unless they wanted a massive challenge? Hermits suck. :P
The idea of the Pariah is simple: they're someone who magic doesn't like. They start with Antimagic at 1.000, and get a decent (maybe 0.800 or 0.900?) modifer to it. They cannot learn anything magical, and (obviously) cannot be mages or priests. They don't get any other unusual attributes, except maybe a boost to Saving Throw or somesuch.
Why is this cool?
Because this way, you can have an antimagic archer without kludging it up with a Dark Sword of Nothingness or whatever... Or, if you want, a ninj... er, antimagic rogue. Which would be seriously cool.
Also, because it would be nice to replace the Hermit subrace with something exactly the opposite. Really, when did anyone last play a hermit unless they wanted a massive challenge? Hermits suck. :P