I need some advice for my stealth build

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Distance weakens the song. You'll probably have to risk being adjacent to him. So you sleep him from a distance and the crown "slips" but is still on. Sing silence and move next to him. Sing lorien while stationary till the crown "falls off". Use !grace if you need to. I'd be at full buff if I had the spare consumables, I'm unsure what you have. Good luck, I'm sure it's tense being stuck where you are.

    I'm at work so I wont be around much, hopefully Quirk will drop by if I don't.


    • Quirk
      • Mar 2016
      • 461

      You should have seen the message about the crown slipping at least in your message history. Can you see the one about Morgoth falling asleep?


      • Kikubaaqudgha
        • Aug 2018
        • 12

        In fact, I could ‘see’ Morgoth w/ the listen ability and he was unwary, but when I really saw him he was already asleep, so I didnt get any message, no message telling me that morgoth fell asleep and no message mentioning the crown.
        I already tried being adjacent but still nothing.


        • Quirk
          • Mar 2016
          • 461

          Trying to replicate this in wizard mode and I think I may have found some kind of bug. Can confirm it affects original Sil, haven't tested Sil-Q yet.

          How much Will does Morgoth have at the moment? You have Lore Master right?

          His will is increased when the crown drops. 20 is his base, 25 is what it should look after the drop. I'm looking at him in a game with 35. This is consistent after a reload. That is buggy.

          I don't know if it's the same bug - my Morgoth is awake. Good news is that taking him from awake to asleep again makes him drop the crown.


          • Kikubaaqudgha
            • Aug 2018
            • 12

            Actually he has 20 Will

            Is there a way to make him unwary then asleep again?


            • Quirk
              • Mar 2016
              • 461

              Originally posted by Kikubaaqudgha
              Actually he has 20 Will

              Is there a way to make him unwary then asleep again?
              You will need to wake him up. Waking him up involves making noise. Making noise is more than a little dangerous.

              I would recommend searching your surroundings for a horn.

              Lower will is good news.

              So far I've only been able to replicate this on Windows. This may or may not explain why I hadn't seen anything like this over a bunch of Angband.live runs.


              • Kikubaaqudgha
                • Aug 2018
                • 12

                Is there another way to make noise except horns?

                Can I throw him something?
                Last edited by Kikubaaqudgha; August 11, 2018, 12:45.


                • wobbly
                  • May 2012
                  • 2577

                  Songs, doors, throwing, hitting a wall with a mattock. I'd prefer not being in LOS when he wakes

                  The easterling spys will wake him, if you are confident about sleeping them then vanishing


                  • Kikubaaqudgha
                    • Aug 2018
                    • 12

                    Ok€™ funny stuff I was behind him when I throw him a potion of slow poison, he woke up, did his earthquake stuff, actually rubble protected me, he was unable to reach me, but now I can€™t find him anywhere

                    Nevermind I found him

                    Making him asleep WHILE I can see him worked, he dropped the crown

                    I got a sil but Morgoth is sleeping on the stairs!

                    Ok I managed to go up my hearth is beating
                    Last edited by Kikubaaqudgha; August 11, 2018, 13:17.


                    • wobbly
                      • May 2012
                      • 2577

                      Rubble blocks sound. Full ruble will vanish you, but yu can't use listen.


                      • Quirk
                        • Mar 2016
                        • 461

                        Bug update - looks like quitting and restarting the application brings the Will back to where it should be. It is also present in Sil-Q sadly. I hoped it might be related to some memory corruption issues I fixed in Sil-Q a while back.


                        • Quirk
                          • Mar 2016
                          • 461

                          Originally posted by Quirk
                          Bug update - looks like quitting and restarting the application brings the Will back to where it should be. It is also present in Sil-Q sadly. I hoped it might be related to some memory corruption issues I fixed in Sil-Q a while back.
                          More than this - there is a very definite bug if you knock the crown off and then quit and reload your character without restarting the application. The will application is carried out twice. This is where the horrible flaky old code base makes me want to quit maintaining it; there's a morass of bad practice in many of the core bits and fixing it is not much fun.


                          • Quirk
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 461

                            Aha. I think this might be the whole Will related bug.

                            Basically if you don't quit the application fully it saves Morgoth in whatever state he was in when you last saw him and then applies the post-crown increments. The workaround for that bug for now is not to load a character from the menu twice but to quit and reload the application.

                            I am not sure that this is actually related to your sleeping Morgoth who didn't drop his crown so I'm continuing to look further.


                            • Quirk
                              • Mar 2016
                              • 461

                              Sleeping Morgoth is a different bug - it is as you thought, if he falls asleep but you don't see it there's no crown drop. Fixing in Sil-Q.


                              • Kikubaaqudgha
                                • Aug 2018
                                • 12

                                Thank you very much both of you!
                                I made it and I don't think I could have made it without you! It's been a lot of fun and scary as hell!

                                The ascension was hard, I didn't know Morgoth and all of his crew would follow me!, I didn't know if I could kill the guardian of the gates so I fled (without potion of quickness), I had 30/100 hp and poisoned 100 during my last turn!

                                Here is the dump if some of you are interested: https://pastebin.com/j0fKmHQm

                                My run was overall pretty messy, full melee early, then I did some archery, I switched to stealth a bit too early, I always struggled to survive at the min depth, learned to sing in late game (I should have done it earlier, it was the first time i spent xp in song) and the throne room was fun, I didn't think I would win after waking up Morgoth and all of the enemies.

                                For your bug-fixing quest, I think it is worth mentioning that I'm playing on Windows and I did at lot of saving/loading while I was in the throne room.

                                Again, Thank you very much!

