I need some advice for my stealth build

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  • Kikubaaqudgha
    • Aug 2018
    • 12

    I need some advice for my stealth build


    I'm actually pretty excited, my character is soon entering the lair of Morgoth.
    The last time I was 1000ft (which was also the first time) I was killed pretty quickly because I didn't know what to expect, the only things I know come from the manual.

    So here I am, humbly asking for some advice to get a sil and maybe win this run. I don't really know how the crown thingy work and what to expect from the ascencion. I don't really know what weapon I should take (quickblade or shortsword?)
    I don't really know where I should spend my xp, and if I should 'grind' at 950ft.

    Char Dump: https://pastebin.com/GYraefXJ (TY wobbly) I'm playing the 1.3 Ver

    Here are my abilities:
    Melee: Finesse Subtetly
    Archery: Careful Shot
    Evasion: Leaping Sprinting
    Stealth: Assasination Cruelblow Dexterity
    Perception: LoreMaster Focused Attack Listen
    Will: Inner Light
    Song: Silence and Lorient
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Kikubaaqudgha; August 10, 2018, 12:36.
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    character dump is @ then s


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Ok, so are you planning to fight or use lorien? Lorien looks safer. If you are going to fight you'll want more will or at least extra FA. If you plan to sneak & sing, just get that song high & take woven themes (lorien/silence). You'll either want something sharp or big for the crown & a way to boost your str. Good luck


      • Kikubaaqudgha
        • Aug 2018
        • 12

        Im planning to use lorien.

        Is my deathblade big enough? Can I crit the crown? Do I need a 2-handed weapon?
        Also, how does singing work vs morgoth? is he gonna just drop the crown like that? then I have to attack the crown thing?

        Should I spend all my xp in song or is my stealth not high enough to go undetected?

        Sorry for all those questions


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          You can't crit the crown. The mithril greatsword will be better if you can get the str (!str). Just more damage is better. or sharp. or Angrist. Angrist you'll get 2.

          Crown will drop if you sing next to him. then you 'k' it to get a sil. You'll have to beat his will with your song, that's why I'd prefer more song & more grace. If you have woven themes you can use silence for stealth. Also he's not the most perceptive in the throne room, keep your distance from the C.

          _freedom & floor lights(feanorian lamps you drop on the ground) might also be a good idea. If you get the 2 big spiders in the throne room, it's very hard to see.


          • Kikubaaqudgha
            • Aug 2018
            • 12

            Thank you very much for your answer!

            Just one last question, what do you mean 'keep your distance from the C'? what is the C?


            • wobbly
              • May 2012
              • 2577


              Oh you have loremaster. Hit ~, you'll see the numbers. There's a penalty for lorien. That's in the manual, just use search. It's a d10 opposed rolls. ties to defender.


              • Kikubaaqudgha
                • Aug 2018
                • 12

                Thank you again!


                • Kikubaaqudgha
                  • Aug 2018
                  • 12

                  Sorry it's me again, the tension is at its height,
                  I found Morgoth and I put him asleep pretty easily but I can't find his crown.
                  Should I be on an adjacent square? You talked about the 'k' key but that one is for destroying an item right? When the crown will eventually drop shouldn't I be able to just move into it to attack it like a regular enemy?
                  When Im attacking it, should I use the song of silence as the main theme?

                  Sorry again, I normally don't ask so much help but I'm totally panicking being so close to the goal.
                  Attached Files


                  • wobbly
                    • May 2012
                    • 2577

                    It's fine.

                    Use ^p I think to see previous. There should be 2 messages 1 for it sliding down. 1 for it falling off. k as in destroy. If you've only got the 1st message keep singing


                    • Quirk
                      • Mar 2016
                      • 461

                      You will by the way want to switch to Silence when you are actually attacking the crown. Be very careful about trying to get more than one Sil with Morgoth next to the crown. I have managed to get three with a pacifist but lured Morgoth away with a horn to do so.

                      You may still wake him up. If that happens you need to get out of his way fast relying on Quickness and dodge behind a pillar to reduce his alertness.

                      Good luck from me also.


                      • Quirk
                        • Mar 2016
                        • 461

                        Oh, and learn from mistakes I have made

                        (I did make it in the end though -


                        • Kikubaaqudgha
                          • Aug 2018
                          • 12

                          Weird, I'm actually next to him and still no crown, possibly a bug?
                          Maybe because I'm playing 1.3?

                          I've got messages telling me that monsters are reluctant hitting me and that there is a strange 'tension'


                          • Quirk
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 461

                            Originally posted by Kikubaaqudgha
                            Weird, I'm actually next to him and still no crown, possibly a bug?
                            Maybe because I'm playing 1.3?

                            I've got messages telling me that monsters are reluctant hitting me and that there is a strange 'tension'
                            Have you seen a message to the effect that his crown has fallen off? If not you won't find it on the floor.


                            • Kikubaaqudgha
                              • Aug 2018
                              • 12

                              No, I got no messages mentioning the crown, but I’m singing around him and he is asleep

