850 depth, found stairs * 2 for 950. But got an art to pick up.
Not finding much stat potions, particularly no con. That one will be a near necessity! Almost to the point where he can ninja kick everything in sight - another 5k to 7k XP should put him there. Master hunter boots dropped from cat assassin - that will help.
Lacking fear res which hurts. Had to flee horrors while afraid, then angrist them to give them an "understand me". I switch to deathblade against low armor/high evade (it's +2).
Note about subtelty which dawned on me earlier. It works for all attacks, while 2 HD only regular, flank, and con ret. That makes sub better hands down, so I went with that. Cruel blow is icing.
Once I get his " normal" melee into the high 20's (low slay bonus), it's throne room time. Well, and a pot of con and fear res. Though I don't think anything there causes it? Oh, maybe those vastly overpowered horrors have it (100d4 health????). It does. Though only 11 evade so I can easily confuse it.
I expect to drop morgoth within 15 rounds . . .
Not finding much stat potions, particularly no con. That one will be a near necessity! Almost to the point where he can ninja kick everything in sight - another 5k to 7k XP should put him there. Master hunter boots dropped from cat assassin - that will help.
Lacking fear res which hurts. Had to flee horrors while afraid, then angrist them to give them an "understand me". I switch to deathblade against low armor/high evade (it's +2).
Note about subtelty which dawned on me earlier. It works for all attacks, while 2 HD only regular, flank, and con ret. That makes sub better hands down, so I went with that. Cruel blow is icing.
Once I get his " normal" melee into the high 20's (low slay bonus), it's throne room time. Well, and a pot of con and fear res. Though I don't think anything there causes it? Oh, maybe those vastly overpowered horrors have it (100d4 health????). It does. Though only 11 evade so I can easily confuse it.
I expect to drop morgoth within 15 rounds . . .