Sil: How is minimum depth calculated?

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  • BlueFish
    • Aug 2011
    • 414

    Score is an odd appendage of Roguelikes, I feel. The only other games that presume to quantify themselves like that are simple arcade games. It's ignorable and I've never given it much thought, but jeez I really hope it has nothing to do with the game design.


    • Scatha
      • Jan 2012
      • 413

      To be clear, I definitely agree that it's good to have a tension between diving and staying safer. Eliminating diving as a viable strategy would be bad.

      Only if diving is currently too obviously the right choice, you could change it at the margins to make it closer. A small effect like the depth increase going 5% faster for each floor you are below where you need to.

      However, I'm not clear the balance goes that way. I certainly have issues staying alive if I dive too much. But some players seem to be able to pull it off regularly, so I could be wrong. I was just pointing out that we could fix it if balance did err that way.

      Removing Staves of Treasures is kind of interesting for the balance effects.

