It is unlikely to get nerfed (unless we boost the damage dice on daggers in general). Even if it did, we wouldn't remove Sharpness from it as it is one of the canonical sharp weapons from Beleg's Whetting Song. We also probably won't change the Sharpness attribute of melee weapons as half protection is just so natural. We *are* planning on changing the Song of Sharpness to reduce its effect so as to make it less of a must-buy song. If this leaves the high protection creatures being too tough, then we will fix this by lowering their protection.
Concentration build
It is unlikely to get nerfed (unless we boost the damage dice on daggers in general). Even if it did, we wouldn't remove Sharpness from it as it is one of the canonical sharp weapons from Beleg's Whetting Song. We also probably won't change the Sharpness attribute of melee weapons as half protection is just so natural. We *are* planning on changing the Song of Sharpness to reduce its effect so as to make it less of a must-buy song. If this leaves the high protection creatures being too tough, then we will fix this by lowering their protection.Comment
P.S. I realize the group AI isn't that bad, sadly when you die to encirclement as a beginner you don't always realize it is orcs that actually went a circle on purpose.Comment
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Yes thanks, I'd already found itInterestingly enough, when I googled "Beleg's whetting spell", that oook thread was one of the first hits!
Edit: Actually, that's not true. I think I googled "Beleg celeg aithorn nargil"Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
MarvinPA is a crawl dev who has been implementing (along with a couple of other occasional contributors) (a) things seen as interface improvements by the people idling in ##sil and (b) some experimental things that were discussed in these forums as possible gameplay/balance changes (e.g. 1d7 daggers, shortening the ascent, clamping equip weights to multiples of 0.5lb, tweaks to lorekeeper, tweaks to song prereqs, tweaks to how regen consumes hunger, probably a bunch of others that I've forgotten.)
If you look on the ladder, you'll probably see a bunch of recent characters / wins with a version tag of '1.1.1-mpa', indicating that the game was played on this "public workshop" variant of sil.
He has still failed to fix shadow spiders, however.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
You'll be happy to know that they are scheduled to be made slightly less tough in the next version. I'm not sure when I changed this, but the changelog says:
Code:- shadow spiders - reduced health (slightly), evasion, and melee - they seemed to be a bit too tough, but you will still want to remember to run away!
You'll be happy to know that they are scheduled to be made slightly less tough in the next version. I'm not sure when I changed this, but the changelog says:
Code:- shadow spiders - reduced health (slightly), evasion, and melee - they seemed to be a bit too tough, but you will still want to remember to run away!
Super excited for the next version!Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Any prediction of WHEN the next Sil version will be released?My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuosoComment