Actually that's precisely what we use. 
We have a 1.5x multiplier, but it's not applied to the bonus, rather to the weight required to get the bonus from each point of Strength. I think this is what bron felt was unintuitive, and I'm afraid that this particular part of the system is due to me.
The issue which it corrects for is that it may make some sense that your Strength 3 character finds a 3lb sword to be the perfect balance between heft and manoeuvrability, but it seems obvious that their ideal weight for a two-handed weapon should be heavier, because they bring more strength to bear there. We could model this by literally giving you a Strength bonus for two-handers, but to simplify calculations for the player (most of the time) that bonus is already counted in the damage dice the weapon has.

And then you could apply a 1.5x or 2x multiplier to the bonus if you're going two-handed.
The issue which it corrects for is that it may make some sense that your Strength 3 character finds a 3lb sword to be the perfect balance between heft and manoeuvrability, but it seems obvious that their ideal weight for a two-handed weapon should be heavier, because they bring more strength to bear there. We could model this by literally giving you a Strength bonus for two-handers, but to simplify calculations for the player (most of the time) that bonus is already counted in the damage dice the weapon has.