Breaking the Rules

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  • decoy
    • Jan 2012
    • 41

    Originally posted by Nick
    Here is the thread. I'm hoping to get it done some time this decade.
    fascinating. i totally approve.

    i occasionally fantasize about doing a tolkien game myself, but i think "sometime this decade" is perhaps a bit optimistic. alas. but i shall live vicariously through you for the time being.


    • taptap
      • Jan 2013
      • 677

      Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
      I hate leaving items on the dungeon floor so I have to pick up and destroy everything and squelch would make this easier ...
      "<character> escaped with a Silmaril and cleaned Angband."


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Originally posted by half
        (2) No piles on the floor (items spread out and can be lost)
        I really don't see the gain in this one. It makes picking up your arrows 1 at a time tedious. It also causes that funny rebound effect where you throw/fire a weapon at your target & it rolls back under your feet & you throw it again. To me this is a step backwards, not forwards. Is there a good reason for it?


        • taptap
          • Jan 2013
          • 677

          Originally posted by wobbly
          I really don't see the gain in this one. It makes picking up your arrows 1 at a time tedious. It also causes that funny rebound effect where you throw/fire a weapon at your target & it rolls back under your feet & you throw it again. To me this is a step backwards, not forwards. Is there a good reason for it?
          That your arrows are littering the floor makes perfect sense to me, but they do stack. If you shoot in the same position a lot you find small piles of arrows to recover.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            Originally posted by taptap
            That your arrows are littering the floor makes perfect sense to me, but they do stack. If you shoot in the same position a lot you find small piles of arrows to recover.
            Your right there, I'd forgotten it does that. It does makes sense & there's a certain amount of game balance to having to take extra time recovering arrows. I still find it a little tedious. Different throwing weapons don't however which while part of a larger issue with the slot system doesn't need to be made worse.

            This aside, I still don't see the gain from having non-stacking floor items. In a confined space if you throw 2 throwing weapons at a mold first then fire your bow your arrows have no where to land, except under your feet. It creates bizarre tactics & for what gain?

            Edit: On the whole slot issue, it's always bothered me that a full suit of armour takes the same space as a knife & that 2 different potions take more space then 2 of the same. In a game without shops & a time limit to prevent endless scumming, I'm tempted to say get rid of slot limits altogether. You could balance it straight off encumbrance & item rarity & not have this whole do I take the 5 spears that stack or the 2 better spears that don't stack issue.
            Last edited by wobbly; September 3, 2013, 12:48.

