The problem with making a lantarn is that it doesn't come pre-filled and I always seem to find other lantarn before I do flasks.
Sil 1.0.2
debo: apart from the Jeweller's options, there are Helms and Swords of Brilliance. It needs two abilities, but I think Armoursmith and Enchantment is a reasonable start for smiths.
Violet molds are annoying, yes, but they make for some interesting early choices. Invest in smithing for a better light source and/or "con for the sustain? Keen senses? Pure combat and take your chances on avoiding them or finding con or restoration before you get into anything too nasty? Sil is all about non-trivial choices. Having a few of them early makes for a better game.
That said we have tried to make optimal gameplay coincide with interesting gameplay (avoiding boring/repetitive strategies being too good), and the arguments that the violet molds are a problem because they encourage repeatedly engaging in things like firing arrows down corridors (as opposed to because it's annoying having your Con drained) have some substance. My feeling is that it's a short enough part of the game, and there is enough interest in working out when to try such measures, that it's okay as it is, but this could be worth watching.
Incidentally I definitely think the game is improved by sometimes having to adventure with your stats drained, rather than it just being a trap for new players. It can move you out of your comfort zone, force you to change your priorities and risk assessments, etc. Perhaps the problem is that it's too easy to avoid the violet molds? Maybe they should be invisible ...Comment
I definitely use the helm of brilliance on most smithing builds. Haven't really done the early weaponsmith route beyond the minimal 300xp free basic kit for an otherwise non-smithing feanorian. If I'm playing a jeweler, I'll sometimes even forge an AoBR -1 for the light radius. I haven't found a controllable -1 grace to be too big of an issue, and early light is very very nice.A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
--The Seven Habits of Highly Effective PiratesComment
Stat-drainers in general can be brutal. Violet molds can be bad, but the brutal one (which thankfully I've only come across once) is one of the fast bugs catching you in the open. If you've got armor or will this is perhaps no big deal, but if you have neither and you end up losing all your Dex, for example, it's probably game over. It's Sil, though--this is to be expected.Comment
Thanks for the tips on violet molds. I'm sure I'll come to regard them as not as big of a deal as I see more of the game.
Another question for the devs: Have you guys considered letting the player modify options globally such that they apply for every game? I got tired of loading a pref file at the start of every game, so I copied one of my characters' dumps into lib/pref and changed pref.prf to have it as a subfile. It feels like a clunky workaround, though. (EDIT: And it doesn't seem to work consistently!)
EDIT2: Upon code-diving, I found that I'd get better results with importing into user.prf instead of pref.prf. But I still think an in-game interface to do this would be nice.
EDIT3: Importing into user.prf doesn't help either. Urgh.Last edited by WaveMotion; April 28, 2012, 23:03.Comment
Stat-drainers in general can be brutal. Violet molds can be bad, but the brutal one (which thankfully I've only come across once) is one of the fast bugs catching you in the open. If you've got armor or will this is perhaps no big deal, but if you have neither and you end up losing all your Dex, for example, it's probably game over. It's Sil, though--this is to be expected.Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Has anyone tried playing a throwing-focused character? What about a polearm-focused character? If so, I'd be curious to see builds / dumps -- these are two variations on play I don't think anyone has really tried much at all, but perhaps I'm wrong?Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Also, a couple of potential tweak ideas:
- If an opponent is unwary and you have opportunist, your character should opt not to attack if the opponent moves away. I can't think of a situation where you'd want opportunist to trigger on an unwary opponent, and this has come close to killing me a few times now.
- I use Assassinate a lot, and I've noticed that being in Stealth Mode ('S') keeps the +5 stealth bonus on your attack roll. Since switching to Stealth Mode does not require turns, wouldn't it be merciful just to always apply that +5 no matter what? Right now, I always check the bottom display before I attack. Once you get focused attack, this is even more annoying b/c you have to do 'S'+'z'+attack. Unless there are macros in Sil, then the problem is already solvedGlaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Also, a couple of potential tweak ideas:
- If an opponent is unwary and you have opportunist, your character should opt not to attack if the opponent moves away. I can't think of a situation where you'd want opportunist to trigger on an unwary opponent, and this has come close to killing me a few times now.
- I use Assassinate a lot, and I've noticed that being in Stealth Mode ('S') keeps the +5 stealth bonus on your attack roll. Since switching to Stealth Mode does not require turns, wouldn't it be merciful just to always apply that +5 no matter what? Right now, I always check the bottom display before I attack. Once you get focused attack, this is even more annoying b/c you have to do 'S'+'z'+attack. Unless there are macros in Sil, then the problem is already solvedComment
I've made a few changes to 1.0.3 in light of these recent comments (I read all of them!):
- zone of control & opportunist no longer attack unwary creatures
- zone of control, opportunist, flanking and controlled retreat no longer attack during the truce
(in both cases this is almost always the desired effect, and it is often a surprise to the player when it doesn't happen)
- violet molds are half as common again (there were already twice as rare as other molds)
- dragonfly health has been reduced in line with other insects
- all insects/centipedes now have 2d4 health and gain their defence primarily from evasion/protectionComment
I've made a few changes to 1.0.3 in light of these recent comments (I read all of them!):
- zone of control & opportunist no longer attack unwary creatures
- zone of control, opportunist, flanking and controlled retreat no longer attack during the truce
(in both cases this is almost always the desired effect, and it is often a surprise to the player when it doesn't happen)
- violet molds are half as common again (there were already twice as rare as other molds)
- dragonfly health has been reduced in line with other insects
- all insects/centipedes now have 2d4 health and gain their defence primarily from evasion/protectionI'm excited for 1.0.3!!
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
I've been playing artifactless, among other things, and just killed Boldog who dropped his spear. I haven't managed to kill Nan or Maeglin or the other uniques who have a guaranteed drop, but I would guess they drop their artifacts as well. Just a heads up in case this is not-intended behavior.You are on something strangeComment
Are you saying that if I squint I can use it without breaking my anti-artifact challenge? Hehe.You are on something strangeComment
Speaking of artifacts, I have a few questions. How true does the game stay to Tolkien's writings? Are there any artifacts that did not exist during the First Age that are in Sil? Are there artifacts that were made for the game only? In general, how true to Tolkien is Sil?Comment