Minor UI issue(s)

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  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    Minor UI issue(s)

    Sometimes in dice notation the numbers and the 'd' are green (e.g. in monster lore) and sometimes 'd' is alone white (e.g., in wand of light damage description). When all are white, it looks fine, so no complains there.
  • Bandobras
    • Apr 2007
    • 676

    Also, a lighting/FOV artifact.


    • fph
      • Apr 2009
      • 956

      If I understand correctly what you mean (needs more freehand circles ), then it's not an artifact. In the first image, you can actually see that lone wall grid square at the end of the corridor, and in the second you can actually see that diagonal line of floor tiles in the middle of the room. There is no obstruction between @ and those grid squares.
      Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        But why can't they see the same lone wall tile in both images? In the first image it's bright, in the second it's dark. Assuming nobody came along and magically darkened the tile it should be bright in both.


        • fph
          • Apr 2009
          • 956

          Ah, I see, you are correct.
          Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


          • Bandobras
            • Apr 2007
            • 676

            Three creature comforts I lack with the UI are PgUp/PgDown/Home/End in inventory, shop and lore screens and the game remembering my missile choice (so that it's enough for me to press Enter in missile menu) and setting target to the monster I melee (at least when the old target is no longer visible) so that I don't have to target it when it flees and I finish it off with missiles. (I know I can do some of that with inscriptions/keybindings/options, but I'm talking about defaults).

            Also, a gameplay feedback: the runes identification is great fun, but I'm staying around DL10 with a ranger, lugging 3 heavy unidentified weapons at speed -3, (in addition to 2 identified ones), I peeked and two are Slay Giant, one is *Slay Troll*, I'm swapping them before each new kind of fight to identify them either via damage dealt or received and I'm getting tired of the minigame at this point. No items of Identify in the shops nor in the dungeon. I know I can give such a weapon to a shop, but I'm too poor to buy it back. At this point I'd even buy overpriced rune identification service at a shop and be done with it, but I can't find such an option.
            Last edited by Bandobras; January 13, 2019, 15:47.


            • Bandobras
              • Apr 2007
              • 676

              Oh dear, it's even worse than I thought with the 2 unidentified weapons of Slay Giant, because shops don't want to take them from me, probably because it's not clear the weapons are any good.
              Last edited by Bandobras; January 15, 2019, 01:22.


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by Bandobras
                Oh dear, it's even worse than I thought with the 2 unidentified weapons of Slay Giant, because shows don't want to take them from me, probably because it's not clear the weapons are any good.
                IIRC shops not buying stuff they ought to is a known bug.
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • wobbly
                  • May 2012
                  • 2577

                  Originally posted by Bandobras
                  Also, a gameplay feedback: the runes identification is great fun, but I'm staying around DL10 with a ranger, lugging 3 heavy unidentified weapons at speed -3, (in addition to 2 identified ones), I peeked and two are Slay Giant, one is *Slay Troll*, I'm swapping them before each new kind of fight to identify them either via damage dealt or received and I'm getting tired of the minigame at this point. No items of Identify in the shops nor in the dungeon. I know I can give such a weapon to a shop, but I'm too poor to buy it back. At this point I'd even buy overpriced rune identification service at a shop and be done with it, but I can't find such an option.
                  On the one hand it's hard to drop an un-ided weapon on the other it's worth considering: Is a weapon that slays nothing you fight & weighs more then you can carry really worth keeping? Once you've ided it are you going to use it? Or will you just drop it anyway.


                  • Bandobras
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 676

                    Another gameplay nitpick: all items are really interesting except for some weapons (unavoidable, so OK) and the useless curing things that I squash on sight: rod of curing, staff of curing, staff of cure medium wounds, some mushrooms, probably more. I bet they are invaluable for an ironman run, but other than that, with restricted inventory space, non-zero fail rates and plenty of Cure Foo potions on the ground and in the shops, they are 100% junk and, in this case, completely avoidable junk.


                    • Bandobras
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 676

                      Actually, I've only now discovered !CSW no longer cures poison. Good. Also, poison is more deadly. That may make the curing items non-junk (if I wasn't a ranger with cure poison spell).

                      Regarding unidentified weapons that are useless if their slays haven't found a use --- if I'm unspoiled, I really have no clue what I may be missing out, e.g., perhaps a weapon has Free Action and the only way to test is too risky to attempt. Or maybe it has Resist Disenchatment or Confusion or Blindness and so is worth keeping by any non-melee character.


                      • Bandobras
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 676

                        I have another case of the FOV artifact. I've attached a savefile.
                        Attached Files


                        • wobbly
                          • May 2012
                          • 2577

                          Originally posted by Bandobras
                          Regarding unidentified weapons that are useless if their slays haven't found a use --- if I'm unspoiled, I really have no clue what I may be missing out, e.g., perhaps a weapon has Free Action and the only way to test is too risky to attempt. Or maybe it has Resist Disenchatment or Confusion or Blindness and so is worth keeping by any non-melee character.
                          Fair enough. Regarding Free Action this isn't something you exactly test for. So many monsters have the slow spell, maybe it's different with your playstyle but I couldn't imagine not getting regularly hit with that one. At worst you can un-squelch !slow. For confusion illusionists cast it, some of the dark elfs cast it.

                          Not sure if I'm telling you something you already know but when you look at the resists on the character sheet, see all those question marks? When they've been tested they'll disappear so you can see what effects have already been checked.


                          • Bandobras
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 676

                            Yes, I forgot Free Action also prevents slowing. I play very slowly while re-learning the game, so I don't get hit often with that one, especially so that I could swap the weapon in to test it. The !Slowness is a good hint. I need to start activating such items when I wear unidentified amulets, rings, etc., which is often the case. Perhaps I should also start triggering traps --- I need to re-learn the key to do that.

                            I guess I'm not used to testing things in Angband and expect it to happen naturally. It can definitely be fun and I'm slowly getting used to speeding up the process, but the unindentified weapons are a snag. Expensive identification items or services in shops would be a help in the transition period, though. I'm one of, I think many, optimizing Angband players (the 'mastery' aspect), so I'd slowly start figuring out ways to avoid buying the expensive ID.

                            Thank you also for the tip about question marks. I didn't figure that one out.


                            • Nick
                              Vanilla maintainer
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 9353

                              Originally posted by Bandobras
                              I have another case of the FOV artifact. I've attached a savefile.
                              Thanks, very helpful. I believe this is happening circular rooms have double-thickness lit walls. I'm going to reduce the walls to single-thickness, and I think that fixes the problem.
                              One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                              In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

