Has anyone compiled Angband with VS 2017?

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  • Geofferic
    • Oct 2007
    • 26

    Has anyone compiled Angband with VS 2017?

    Specifically I'm trying to compile 4.0.5, but any post 4.0.0 version is fine.

    I'm running into all sorts of fun issues. Having trouble getting sqlite3 to work with db.h.

    Also, the stdio.h line " #error Macro definition of snprintf conflicts with Standard Library function declaration" which is supposed to throw up a warning is throwing up some 200 errors. Woo!

    I apologize for my ignorance here. I haven't used C since 1998.

  • fph
    • Apr 2009
    • 956

    I don't think you need to compile in the stat module (and sqlite3) at all to use the game; it's just a very niche thing used for development. Do you still get the sqlite3 errors if you exclude it from the configuration options?
    Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


    • Geofferic
      • Oct 2007
      • 26

      Yes, excluding that stops the issues I was having with db.h/.c. Thanks.

      Now I have a new problem! OK, two new problems.

      A lot of the instructions that are included with the source for compiling in VS mention adding .h and .c from src/player, src/monster, etc. Those folders don't exist, because they are all under src/test. So I went through and added the files in situ to the project. So I can see, eg, player.h in the project under header files.

      But the history.c, eg, throws an error that it cannot find player.h. I mean it's listed in the header files, but ... More obviously, unit-test.h (which I also added since it was demanding it) isn't being seen, either.

      And the other problem is that get.h throws every sort of syntax error.


      • Geofferic
        • Oct 2007
        • 26

        I have two notions: perhaps I need to include each sub directory in the pathing, but that seems odd to me.

        The other is to move folders out of src/test and into src, then remove the references to the unit-test, etc.

        None of that will fix get.h, but one thing at a time. hah


        • Nick
          Vanilla maintainer
          • Apr 2007
          • 9353

          I would not include the test module either - so you don't need anything from src/tests. I think you can ignore get.c and get.h too - IIRC they were a dead-end in the code, and (as of 4.1) aren't in the codebase any more.
          One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
          In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

