Well, from a user's perspective, "-more-" makes me press a ton of keys all the time, and most messages are not worth reading! "You hit the kobold" - what do I care? What would be good is to force pause on important messages ("*** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! ***"). I do have some ideas... 
Great minds think alike!
I did consider that (when thinking about tile picker). A term could perhaps have a header and a footer (similar to how menus have them). Those could be text, while the middle of the term could be tiles, or text with different font... it's a bit annoying to do, but not too much, so maybe 
As it is, various menus and textblocks do tend to gravitate towards the prompt area:
(BTW! What's the deal with using double spaces between sentences in various descriptions? Another old school thing, I guess...)

Under the new term stack model, I could see a case being made for each new term window being given a titlebar with the prompt

As it is, various menus and textblocks do tend to gravitate towards the prompt area:
(BTW! What's the deal with using double spaces between sentences in various descriptions? Another old school thing, I guess...)